Last summer it was announced that another movie version of
Buffy The Vampire Slayer was to be made without creator Joss Whedon having any involvement. As the months passed, I began to assume that this was no longer going to happen but it's just been announced that Warner Brothers are going ahead with a movie version by newcomer Whit Anderson and sans the Joss man after all. To be honest, I'm not really sure how I feel about this. On one hand, nothing literally is sacred anymore and an issue such as being creator of an iconic show doesn't seem to matter but given how Whedon's Season Eight comics have become rather disjointed, dare I actually suggest that perhaps someone else's vision of Buffy Summers may or may not be a good thing? I guess time will only tell on this one.
Guardian Article: http://www.guardian.co.uk/culture/2010/nov/23/joss-whedon-buffy-vampire-slayer
To tell you the truth, I hate the whole idea. But because Im a huge fan of the TV show and I think Sarah Michelle Geller is Buffy.
I mean, I tried to get my head around the idea, after all, they are talking about revamping the movie, not the TV show, and let´s face it, the movie pretty much sucked. But I can´t. After all, the TV show was a kinda revamp of the movie, so why mess with something that`s great as it is?
Besides, the world really doesn´t need ANOTHER vampire movie.
Why not try to come up with new material, mh?
It's an odd choice for a film to be honest but I guess we can only hope that it's not that bad.
Interesting to see someone not totally hating on the idea, especially bringing up the comic books which is a very good point.
However I think that has more to do with the medium rather than anything else.
I myself don't think it's a good idea at all but honestly I kinda want to see it made, just to see it fail- is that mean?!
It's not mean to want it to fail because I think a lot of fans have similar feelings. I want to give it a chance, even though I'm keeping my expectations low.
The comics have unfortauntely gotten worse and because Whedon is responsible for that, I did have to mention it.
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