Thursday, December 16, 2010

Doctor Who - A Christmas Carol Clips

Okay, it's nine days to go and while I still have to review the last Meanwhile In The TARDIS scene, I couldn't resist one more blog in relation to A Christmas Carol ...

Fresh from the latest issue of DWM, here's hoping another sumptious Doctor/Amy/Rory promo pops up soon. From the clips I'm gonna link, it looks like Amy and Rory were enjoying their honeymoon until their spaceship got caught in some fog. The comments from the crew members on the happy couple's attire is enough to make me want to hug Steven Moffat. Sheer comedy gold.
And we're also keeping in with good looking male guest stars as Danny Horn plays the middle version of Kazran Sardick and also the one who gets to snog Katherine Jenkins's Abigail Pettigrew in the process. Oh and nice one to see Eleven rocking the tuxedo look at some point in this story. By the way, expect a Series 6 trailer at the end of the Christmas special with a rumoured reappearance of a familiar alien race (no, not the Daleks for once).

In building up to the Christmas special, Karen Gillan has seemingly satisfied every male viewer of Doctor Who with her interview and photoshoot for Shortlist Magazine. Which also means that the Daily Mail will be getting their own knickers in a twist over the thursting sexuality of Amy Pond once again.
Matt Smith in more festive-ish attire is also taking to The Times about his acting aspirations and there's also a rather fetching photoshoot for that as well. He's also mentioned that he's playing the Doctor on a yearly basis as well.
A Christmas Carol Preview Clips:

A Christmas Carol airs on Christmas Day at 6pm on BBC1.

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