Saturday, February 04, 2012

Doctor Who - Series 7 Companion Spoilers

No, they haven't announced the casting just yet but we're gotten a clue about the new person though.

The picture of a Cybermen, Dalek and Silent is from the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra Doctor Who Symphonic Spectacular and apparently Steven Moffat has sent them this exact information in relation to the next TARDIS occupant ....

Doctor Who
's 50th anniversary is coming. In Cardiff, we're gearing up for the biggest, the best and the most ambitious season we've ever made. There will be shocks, surprises and heartbreak - the Doctor is about to say goodbye to his very best friends, Amy and Rory. And then he's about to say hello to someone very different - the Doctor is going to meet someone very new in the very last place he could ever have expected...

Sounds wonderfully intriguing. Now where exactly could that be because let's face it's, 21st Century England is very much expected, isn't it?

Also, while Amy and Rory are soon to bid adieu, Alex Kingston however has dropped hints that she will in fact be reprising her role as River Song for the show's seventh series, now that she's finished filming her stint in the second year of Upstairs Downstairs. Good, because personally I think River needs to be in the episode that actually departs her parents.

Series 7 of Doctor Who begins production from February 13th and will air on BBC1 from Autumn 2012.


  1. I think I've finally worked out what the picture means. The three enemies of The Doctor in the image represent the phrase 'triple threat', which is a term used in the acting profession to describe someone who can, sing, dance and act. This means we can expect an actress who possesses these three talents to take over from Karen and Arthut.

  2. JDT - I love it. I think we might have cracked with the new companion there.
