Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Doctor Who - Comic-Con 2012 Spoilers

I was going to save my favourite panel until last but er, I'd rather talk about it now if that's alright. It's the Doctor Who panel naturally and yes, I'm aware that anyone reading probably isn't surprised by this.

This year's panel comprised of Matt Smith (11th Doctor), Karen Gillan (Amy), Arthur Darvill (Rory) as well as producers Steven Moffat and Caroline Skinner with Nerdist's Chris Hardwick moderating the event and the 70 minute panel was certainly an entertaining one with the gang recalling fan encounters, talking briefly about the upcoming seventh series as well as their future projects to name a few.

However unlike last year where we got a trailer for the second half of Series 6 and a clip from The God Complex, this year we didn't get a trailer for Series 7 but confirmation that the second and third episodes of the new series would be called Dinosaurs On A Spaceship and A Town Called Mercy, as well as clips from both episodes. I've tried looking for them online but sadly to no avail. The clips do feature Rory's father, a game hunter named Riddell, Nefertiti flirting as well as the Doctor letting some locals know that he's an alien for good measure.

Of course, it does seem like UK viewers aren't going to be that deprived though. Not only did Matt Smith seem to confirm an airdate of sorts for Series 7 (around August) but according to a Twitter page, we should be getting something special soon. I presume the 'special' may be a trailer for the new series if not the clips for the second and third episodes. Watching the panel again however did make me realise that as much as I'm looking forward to Eleven/Clara, I really am going to miss Eleven/Amy/Rory.

Comic-Con Panel: http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/07/doctor-who-comic-con-2012-watch-full.html

Series 7 of Doctor Who will air on BBC1 and BBCAmerica from August.

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