Wednesday, May 01, 2013

True Blood - Season 6: Waiting Sucks & Blood Will Spill Trailers

Well, it's a little over a month before the sixth season of True Blood airs and HBO have dished out some more of their popular Waiting Sucks trailers to tantalise viewers for the new season ...

1: Jason, Nora & Sookie

The first one released sees Jason losing his patience with a rather cryptic Nora and he comes close to actually killing her, until Sookie steps in of course. Jason's renewed hatred for vampires looks set to continue this year and if I were Nora, I'd make sure I was one step ahead of him. The fact that she knows something about Warlow may not be totally advantageous to her when it comes to dealing with Jason though.

2: Eric

One of the big storylines for the upcoming sixth season is a war between humans and vampires and it's a storyline that's been pretty imminent, especially given the craziness Lilith's influence had on the Authority and the likes of Bill last season. It also seems that Eric have discovered that vampires are being experimented on as well courtesy of a mystery woman here.

3: Alcide, Martha & Rikki

The last one that's aired so far (though I suspect we'll see a few more soon) has Alcide asserting his packmaster status with Martha and Rikki seemingly arguing over Emma. I'm going to guess that perhaps Luna is either recovering or hasn't made it out alive after exposing shifters on live television.

And then we've got a 30 second concept trailer telling us that Blood Will Spill. It's a nice little teaser but hopefully something more alluring is around the corner with the main cast though. Still, at least the ball is rolling for the sixth season and that can only be a good thing.

Waiting Sucks 1:
Waiting Sucks 2:
Waiting Sucks 3:
Blood Will Spill Trailer:

True Blood's sixth season will air Sundays 9pm on HBO from June 16th.

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