Saturday, September 28, 2013

Soap Discussion - September 2013

Penultimate blog of the month, so here goes ...

Coronation Street: The show is in a great place at the moment with it's storylines. Hayley's ongoing battle with cancer and her determination to complete a bucket list of things (including getting Roy to drive) has been both touching and amusing in parts. Other great storylines this month has included wrapping up Karl's general plot as he was finally exposed (September seemed to be a month for this in soaps) and David having to deal with the consequences of nearly trying to kill Nick. Overall, a great month for the show.

EastEnders: Not the worst month going but hardly the show at it's best either. Ronnie's return, Peggy's brief appearance and David Wicks showing up to interrupt both Carol and Masood were the highlights because honestly, everything else sucked here. I don't care about Alfie, it's hard to be bothered about Tamwar and Alice and Carl continues to be a rather unconvincing baddie as well. Maybe the critics are reveling a bit too much in taking the show down a notch but it's hard to deny that it's in need of an overall. Various axings and characters returns aren't enough - it's better writing/plotting that is overall needed here.

Emmerdale: I liked this month but mainly Cameron finally being exposed as a murderer and getting his comeuppance and as for Steve being exposed as a creep and having to leave the village after he caused devastation with Bernice, Nicola and Jimmy - good stuff, though I think they could've gotten a bit more mileage with the character. Also the fallout of Rhona's pill addiction and Amy reuniting with her son by deceiving his adopted grandmother had it's moments as well.

Hollyoaks: An okay month here - Will killing Anna, Fraser getting more prominent, the Darren reveal and Browning getting his comeuppance all had their hit and miss moments. The show is still great but there are too many moments where it can feel like whiplash at times, especially given the recent fire set by Freddie and the obvious connection made between Fraser and Clare as well. The Roscoes and the Osbournes did seem to be the dominating families of the month and there has been some good fallout with them as well.

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