Saturday, January 31, 2015

A.K.A Jessica Jones - Tennant/Taylor Cast In Major Roles

It's been an interesting week with the casting for Netflix's upcoming superhero series, Marvel's A.K.A. Jessica Jones as two new members have been added to the show.

David Tennant, best known for Doctor Who and Broadchurch (and it's shortlived US version, Gracepoint) has bagged the role of villainous character, Zebediah Killgrave - also known as the Purple Man. The character is responsible for leading star Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter) retiring from the superhero lifestyle and his reappearance will send shockwaves through her world. However whether or not Tennant will literally be purple onscreen for the role remains to be seen though.

Meanwhile Rachael Taylor (Grey's Anatomy) has also joined the cast as Patricia 'Trish' Walker, the close friend of Ritter's character and also a character who first appeared in the comics back in 1944. Comic fans will also know that Walker is also the superhero known as Hellcat, who I'm sure we'll see onscreen in the upcoming series.


AKA Jessica Jones begins filming soon and will air on Netflix later in 2015.


  1. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I wonder how close they will stick to the comic. That's a very dark role for David Tennant.

    I know Rachael Taylor best from 666 Park Avenue.

  2. I'd be surprised if we saw Tennant actually purple. I think more than likely they'll give him a snazzy purple suit though.

  3. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I doubt he'll be purple either, but I wonder how dark they will go with his character.
