Saturday, November 28, 2015

Becoming The Darkest Couple Of Them All

It's been a few weeks and some shows I still need to catch a bit up on but for the ones I have, here's a bit of a rundown of them.

Arrow: This season has been a bit of an improvement on the previous one but the flashbacks nowadays are getting more and more tedious to watch and I really wish the show would scrap them altogether or relegate them for every few episodes and have them be more relevant to the main narrative. That being said between Sara being brought back to life, Diggle learning his brother was still alive, Ray being alive and Thea managing to find a way to control her bloodlust, things certainly haven't been dull and the guest appearance of Constantine was most definitely a pleasant turn up for the books as well.

Once Upon A Time: I've not been finding this season as engaging as I've wanted to and there have been times when I've found some of the timeline utterly confusing but the last few episodes kind of have pushed things along a little better. Zelena gave birth and retained her malicious ways, Emma revealed that she damned Hook to a fate he didn't want and there was even a nice team up episode with Merida, Mulan and Ruby for good measure. That being said, Merlin is a bit hit and miss and Arthur simply doesn't cut it as a villain for me. I guess I'm just ready for this Dark One/Camelot arc to be done with already.

Supergirl: Five episodes in and this show has been a heap of fun to watch. Like The Flash, this series has been somewhat lighter but not to the point where a good dramatic moment can't happen like the expansion of Kara and Alex's different relationships with their families, more hints about the overall arc and Henry being all mysterious. While I don't think Winn has stepped out of the comic relief role he seems saddled in, I do like that Jimmy and Cat have had a little bit of development, I've liked the arrival of Lucy Lane so far and some of the guest villains have worked well - especially Livewire. How does she do it? Quite well, considering how fantastic this show has been to watch so far.

The Flash: Another show continuing to deliver the goods is this one. So far, I have yet to see any real signs of a sophomore slump as the last couple of episodes have been a blast to watch. The Earth 2 plotline has provided a lot of great material with the likes of a new Wells, Doctor Light and Zoom of course (an incredible villain so far) but also with some returning villains such as Grodd, new characters like Patty and even the natural progression with the main cast themselves. As for who Zoom will turn out to be, I definitely it's someone we may already know.

 - Jonathan Whitesell has been cast as Hercules, Kacey Rohl as Megara and Greg Germann as Distinguished Gentleman/Hades for the second half of Once Upon A Time's fifth season.
- BD Wong will be playing Professor Hugo Strange in the second half of Gotham's second season.
- Matt Ryan may become a regular on Legends Of Tomorrow as John Constantine if the show makes it to a second season.
- There are rumours of a possible crossover between Supergirl and The Flash.
- Marcia Cross will be appearing as Caleb's mother in Quantico soon.
- Tom Amandes has been cast as the Calculator for Arrow. Colton Haynes will also be reprising his role as Roy for the second half of the fourth season.
- Sonia Braga has been cast as Claire Temple's mother for Luke Cage.
- Game Of Thrones have released a certain promotional poster for the sixth season that indicates a certain character may be returning.

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