Tuesday, July 05, 2016

A Con Or Several

There's certain shows I do need to catch up on but here's a look at what I've seen for now though.

Daredevil: I have three episodes left to watch and right now, I kind of don't want this to end. The second half of this season has intensified both the Punisher and Elektra arcs so well and the returns of both Stick and Fisk have also added nicely to the mix. While it is a tad frustrating to see Matt, Karen and Foggy drift further apart from each other and the show continues to underuse Claire, this season is arguably stronger than the first one and I'm definitely looking forward to seeing how things end before we delve into Netflix's other Marvel shows.

Game Of Thrones: Season Six has been without a doubt one of the best seasons we've had from the HBO megahit and the last two episodes really upped the ante. The epic, battle filled penultimate episode which finally saw the much deserved demise of Ramsay was one thing but the finale where Cersei effectively wiped out all of her enemies and became queen was certainly another. Between those events, Sansa/Jon reclaiming Winterfell, Arya ticking another name off her list, Bran learning more of his family history and alliances made with Olenna/Ellaria/Daenerys/Yara, next season cannot come soon enough.

Gogglebox/Gogglesprogs: I have to admit that over the last while I haven't been actively watching the former show as much as I had been and when I found out that Channel 4 were going to be doing a junior version of the show, I was sceptical at best. Having watched at least two episodes of the younger version, I was somewhat hasty. Gogglesprogs might sound terrible on paper but onscreen, it genuinely seems to work. It helps that the kids in question seem to watch the same programmes the regular version does and it's also amusing seeing the younger generation rightfully comment on the Brexit situation when they weren't watching the likes of Made In Chelsea and The Lion King.

The Catch: The latest Shondaland show might have debuted on ABC back in Spring but on SkyLiving, they're nearly done with. The first six episodes have certainly had a similar level of Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder style OTTness with leading lady and private investigator, Alice Vaughn trying to get back at the man who conned her. The man in question being Christopher or Benjamin, who was also working with the charming Margot. And then the show added John Simm as Margot's volatile and trigger happy brother, Rhys and suddenly things got a whole lot more crazier. Certainly one to catch up on over the summer period.

- Taylor Lautner has been cast as Dr Cassidy Cascade for the second season of Scream Queens.
- Cheyenne Jackson will return for the sixth season of American Horror Story. The theme for the upcoming season is due to be revealed soon.
- Tom Felton has been cast as a regular for the third season of The Flash. He'll be playing CS Julian Dorn.
- Lynda Carter has been as the President of the US for the second season of Supergirl.
- Maggie Geha will play an older version of Ivy Pepper for Gotham's third season while James Carpinello has been cast as Mario Falcone.
- Maisie Richardson-Sellers will play Amaya Jiwe, the original Vixen and grandmother to Mari as a regular in Legends Of Tomorrow's second season.
- True Blood is returning as a Broadway musical.
- NBC still aren't giving up on having a Cruel Intentions series just yet.
- Felicity Huffman will be returning for the third season of American Crime.
- Netflix are planning a reboot for Lost In Space, due for release in 2018.

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