Tuesday, April 04, 2017

My Review of Feud: Bette And Joan's: "And The Winner Is (The Oscars Of 1963)"

Written And Directed by Ryan Murphy

Geraldine Page (re Joan): "Well, she needs it and besides, Hollywood should be forced to look at what they've done to her."

And this one was a fucking doozy and a half. It's Oscars time and Joan Crawford is clearly a woman who will find a way of attaining the limelight, even when it's not all about her. Smarting over Bette Davis getting the Oscar nomination over her and having Hedda chewing her ear (loving the performance, detesting the woman with every passing episode though), Joan resorted to some tactics to get one over on Davis yet again.

This time it included a bit of casual bad mouthing through Hedda spreading her usual poison via certain phone calls but also Crawford herself going after some of the other Best Actress nominees as well. This included somewhat belittling Geraldine Page's confidence til the woman actress to let Joan collect the award for her.

Sarah Paulson only got about three minutes of screen time and once again, proved why she's become one of those actors that Ryan Murphy will call upon for whatever part he can get for her. Page's comment to her partner about Hollywood having to look at what they created with Joan and boy, did this episode demonstrate that. Geraldine saw through Joan's desperation as did everyone else in Hollywood during this Oscar season.

Speaking of the desperation, you could see that Anne Bancroft herself, who was putting her theatre work over attending the event could see the desperation in Joan wanting to accept her win for her. I thought Serinda Swan was excellent casting as Bancroft and certainly held her own with Jessica Lange in the one scene they shared together.

As for Bette Davis, we saw her worry a little about being nominated and we saw her anger when Crawford accepted the award on Bancroft's behalf and made sure to rub it in but unlike Joan, she had the better support system with Olivia de Havilland being her champion for the majority of the episode. It was nice to see a bit more of Olivia in this one too and I like the rapport between her and Bette too.

As for Joan, she got one up on Bette but it was a victory that felt hollow. After all, she accepted another woman's award but at the same time, she publicly exposed her own pettiness and came home to an empty house. As horrible as Joan's actions were in this episode and there was no justifying them, even I felt a little sympathy for her. Not much though.

- The episode delved a little into Olivia's own feud with her sister. I can't help thinking that would make a better second season than the one we're getting for this show.
- No Pauline or Aldrich in this episode.
- Joan's silvery look for the Oscars was a little weird to be honest. Bette had the better look, to be honest.
- Chronology: Early 1963, Oscar season of course.

I swear this show is getting better and better. And The Winner Is (The Oscars Of 1963) easily surpassed last week's excellent episode and it seems like the next one is going to be another gem too. I am really enjoying this show the more and more it goes on.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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