Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Sense8 - Fear Never Fixed Anything

Written by Lana Wachowski & J. Michael Straczynski
Directed by James McTeigue

Wolfgang (to everyone): "Fear never fixed anything."

A very true sentiment there and here we got an episode where courage a little to the forefront for several of the Clusters. For Will and Riley, it was about them reaching out to other Clusters in a lovely public event, while at the same time putting themselves further into Milton and the BPO's cross hairs.

It was a reckless thing for them to do, but it's not like they didn't have a choice. Reaching out to other Clusters isn't a guarantee that the BPO can be taken down but at least the gang are actually trying to do something and seeing them come together during that moment while the introduction of another sensate in the form of Seventh Doctor, Sylvester McCoy was a sublime little moment.

Of course while this main plot is still advancing slowly enough we did have Bug introduce Nomi and Amanita to The Guy who was able to give them the tech to make them both "e-dead" while at the same time indicating that she will own the mystery person a favour at some point in the series. On the other hand, at least Nomi and Amanita can breathe a little easier for the time being.

Elsewhere Capheus found himself being singled out by a political party who wanted him for their group while learning a little more about Zakia from some of the most obnoxious interns going. Having read the spoilers for this season, I already know that what we learned about Zakia won't stand in the way of them getting together but it was hard to gauge how Capheus actually felt about the news itself though.

Meanwhile Sun had a lovely reunion with both her dog and former mentor while punching the television when her horrible brother appeared on it. I'm loving the more vengeance oriented Sun at the moment and the inclusion of Detective Mun, who might be more of an ally than a problem for Sun is also a nice twist. Also shallow note, he's bloody gorgeous too.

As for Lito - I did sympathise with him getting offered so many dud roles but at the same time, I also liked that a past encounter he had with a bar manager resulted in something positive and that he found the courage to accept an invitation to a pride event in Sao Paolo as grand master as well. Not to mention the fanboy moment between him and Bug made me howl with laughter as well.

- I'm sensing a lot of in family fighting between Kala and Rajan's respective clans at the moment. Wolfgang also tried to distance himself a little from Lila this week.
- The Guy was wearing a V For Vendetta mask when they met Nomi, Amanita and Bug in the cinema. I see what you did there, Lana.
- Standout music: Nice use of What's Going On once again.
- Chronology: From where Polyphony left off.

Not quite as strong as the previous episode but still rather impressive though. Fear Never Fixed Anything certainly saw our group conquering some fears but Milton is still pretty determined to take them out and he's getting creepier with each passing episode too.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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