Saturday, July 01, 2017

Sense8 - Netflix Commissions A Two Hour Special

June was the month for Pride and while we had some great stuff last month, one of the misfires was Netflix announcing that Sense8 would come to an end after two seasons. Fans were upset and angry, especially as the second season had ended on a cliffhanger that was looking unlikely to be resolved.

Then we head towards the end of June and it seemed that fan outcry actually worked for once. Netflix announced on Thursday that the show would be coming back as a two hour special next year. Netflix shared the letter on its official account, along with a video tribute to the sci-fi series. "After seeing that the cancellation was a total cluster, we decided to give Sense8 fans the ending they totally deserve," said a Netflix spokesperson.

This is fantastic news and while this doesn't guarantee anything more than this upcoming special, at least it means we'll get a resolution to the overall series arc and have one more episodes of our favourite Cluster members. I cannot wait to see it and I'm imagining that it'll possibly be another Christmas special as well.

Press Release:

Sense8's second season is currently streaming on Netflix if you haven't caught up. The special will be released in 2018.

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