Tuesday, April 03, 2018

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 3x17: "Guest Starring John Noble"

Written by Keto Shimizu & James Eagan
Directed by Ralph Hemecker

Mallus (to everyone): "I am so much more than a God."

And after most of the season trying to re-emerge, this episode ended with Mallus finally making his long awaited appearance and having Nora subsequently killed off to boot. CGI wise, Mallus could look better but he certainly could look a lot worse too.

Taking things back to Zambesi where the biggest tragedy to befall Amaya's family and village was an interesting move for Mallus to be reborn as such. I found the Legends trying to prevent the event but also having something else - Grodd in this case, be the cause of Mallus coming out to play big time - and almost destroy Zambesi was somewhat expected.

The show hasn't really done a lot with Grood since Damien brought him into the Mallus storyline but here, the psychic gorilla tried and thankfully failed to kill a young Barack Obama while also getting himself shrunk by Ray for his efforts. I did have a laugh at seeing Grodd in the jar but wasn't at all surprised when Damien let him out again.

Speaking of Damien, having him join the team was a bit odd and amusing to watch. I liked his scenes with Sara and Ray the most but his betrayal of them in order to save Nora was totally expected. Regardless of what happens in next week's finale, I don't think we're going to be losing the character any time soon and nor do I expect that he will be turning a new leaf either. There was however some joy in seeing Sara stab Damien in the back for his latest action, even if she didn't quite kill him.

Then there's the Amaya side of things. Both Nate and Wally had opposing stances when it came to her actions in Zambesi. Wally rightfully pointed out the consequences of Amaya's actions while Nate was more eager to help his girlfriend. I have to admit, I was more on Wally's side here, even if I completely got what Amaya was attempting to do. Plus it was somewhat nice to see younger versions of Kuasa, Mari and Esi, the latter being Amaya's daughter and reluctant bearer of the Ananzi totem.

As for the title itself - the use of John Noble was absolutely genius. Having Ray get him to record some dialogue while he was in the midst of filming one of his most famous roles was such a cheeky thing for the show to do but it completely works for the episode nonetheless.

- Nate got the Earth totem, which he managed to work and Ray the Water totem, which he could not work. No surprise that Damien got the death totem then.
- Ava is actually in her twelfth incarnation and Rip was unbelievably (even for him) cold in telling her that too.
- Bit weird seeing Mick mainly using his heat gun to take out Grodd when he was wearing the Fire totem as well.
- Chronology: 1992 Zambesi, 1999 New Zealand during filming of The Lord Of The Rings for John Noble and 1979 for Obama himself. A pretty good likeness with Lovell Adams-Gray as Barack.

Guest Starring John Noble had a lot going on. It's use of the title actor to one side, it certainly brought forth Mallus in a suitably strong, mixed up the alliances and had some nice interpersonal drama to boot. Next week's finale should put this storyline to rest as well as some possible exits but we do know now that we've got a fourth season to look forward to as well.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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