Friday, September 07, 2018

Superman: The Animated Series - Episodes 33-36 Reviews

An interesting enough selection of episodes with some returns, an attempt to recreate an important piece of history, a fake out death and of course, a new hero added into the mix.

Episode 33: Bizarro's World

Following his debut, I was hoping for another shot of Bizarro. With this episode, there a daft and misguided plot on Bizarro's end to recreate and destroy Krypton but I do like that Superman was able to get through to him by using his concern for Lois's safety. Then there was also that creature Bizarro mistook for a dog who provided a source of comedy. Basically, Bizarro ended up with his own planet and pet to protect in this charming enough episode. 7/10

Episode 34: Prototype

Eh, not a favourite episode of mine. It gains points for the introduction of John Henry Irons, who will be Steel in about two episodes from now but other than that, it's rather formulaic. You've got Lex Luthor building a super suit and having cop Corey Mills putting it on and quickly becoming corrupted by the power his new suit gives him. In fact, Corey got corrupted a little too fast for my liking but there were some effective moments like Corey shaving his head to indicate turning evil and of course blinding Superman, so points for those I guess. 6/10

Episode 35: The Late Mr Kent

I actually thought with this title, it was actually going to be Jonathan Kent that passed away rather than everyone else (except the Kents) believing that Clark had died in an accident, following an investigation gone wrong. Having Clark actually be the focus of his other job was interesting for a change, even if it ended up being Lois who figured out that Bowman was a corrupt cop. The episode did have an interesting end scene as Bowman realised that Clark and Superman were the same person before being executed in prison and there was a nice welcome cameo from Lana as well as the renewed and amusing rivalry with her and Lois. 8/10

Episode 36: Heavy Metal

Given his brief introduction two episodes prior, this was a solid debut for John Henry Irons as Steel and along with his wonderfully snarky niece, they were an enjoyable double act to have here, along with being helpful as Superman and Metallo went at it for a third time. Metallo being back for the same episode to debut Steel in hero mode seemed appropriate and it was fun watching the two battle each other as well. I've enjoyed these team up episodes we've been having throughout this season. 8/10

Next blog I'll delve into Warrior Queen, Apokolips ...Now! Parts 1 and 2 and Little Girl Lost Part 1.

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