Saturday, September 29, 2018

Superman: The Animated Series - Episodes 45-48 Reviews

More returns, a team up or two, a planet under hostile rule and a Lantern rises. Yup, more episodes of you know what.

Episode 45: Obsession

Two returns in this episode - first of all, Lana Lang, who opened this episode promoting her latest swimwear collection with the help of her best model, Darci. The latter then is nearly kidnapped, courtesy of the Toyman and the episode rather succinctly reveals that Darci is actually a robot that Toyman built for company. The ending is actually the most powerful of the episode as Superman assumes both Darci and Toyman have perished, only for that to clearly not be the case. 8/10

Episode 46: Little Big Head Man

A team up in this episode as Mxyzptlk decides on round two of his vendetta with Superman by turning impressionable Bizarro against the Man of Steel and reveling in the chaos of the both of them fighting in Metropolis. Unfortunately this course of action seems to be enough to anger Mxy's higher ups, who decide to strip him of his power in exchange for him performing a good deed. The punishment that Superman comes up with for Mxy this time around is rather fitting. 8/10

Episode 47: Absolute Power

Keeping with the return, this episode took us out of Metropolis and onto another world where Superman quickly discovered that Jax Ur and Mala have escaped their Phantom Zone fates and are now rulers under another planet. It doesn't take long to realise that they're more dictators with a sinister plan for Earth than peaceful rulers and there's a nice team up with Superman and Cetea (voiced by Jennifer Jason Leigh) but overall, it's a slightly weaker episode compared to the previous two on offer here. 7/10

Episode 48: In Brightest Day

Another episode to guest a DC hero and this time, it's Green Lantern. Surprisingly enough, not Hal Jordan though there's one scene where he's suitably name checked. Instead it's Kyle Raynor, who is a co-worker at the Daily Planet, a friend of Jimmy Olsen's and the latest to get a certain ring in his possession, which attracts the attention of Sinestro, who's desperate to get the ring himself. I do think this episode did a good job with Kyle and it was nice to see a few other Lantern members as well for a brief moment at the end. 7/10

Next blog I'll delve into Superman's Pal, A Fish Story, Unity, The Demon Reborn and Legacy Parts 1 and 2.

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