Friday, October 05, 2018

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 5x02: "Whose Blood Is That?"

Written by Sarah L. Thompson
Directed by Mike Smith

Bonnie: "What were you saying about Nate?"
Michaela: "Whose blood is that? Whose blood is that, Bonnie?"

Well, we can rule out Laurel and Michaela along with Annalise, Christopher and Frank going by this episode. Sticking with the flashbacks - was Bonnie really about to do a runner with baby Christopher before being interrupted? It certainly looked like at the very end of this one before Michaela asked a rather awkward question.

I guess because the question is being asked, it probably means that Bonnie hasn't killed someone but maybe has either watched them die or failed to save them. Right now, I'm still convinced the body will end up being Roland especially as this episode saw him make a move on Bonnie and have her reciprocate it as well. That and our new regulars potentially have more mileage in them as well.

It's hard to tell if Bonnie has genuine feelings for Roland, although his for her do seem sincere enough given his scenes with Bonnie and later, Nate. Speaking of Nate, he seemed to be getting closer to finding Bonnie's son who also was kidnapped by a woman as a baby while Frank upped his investigation of Gabe as well.

If Bonnie and Gabe aren't related, then it does feel like there's a bit of water threading with Frank and Nate's storylines so far. Speaking of Gabe, the character is decent enough and I do like that his interactions with the Keating 4 or Annalise haven't felt forced so far, though the scene where Connor and Oliver were grilling him on his sexuality did make me laugh. I wouldn't be surprised if Gabe winds up hooking up with Michaela or Laurel.

Keeping with Michaela - having her be the one to work on a case of a gay immigrant was a bit ironic considering what she did to Simon. I also think that was the point of the episode as her and Annalise worked to stop a Muslim woman for being imprisoned for the murder of her wife. The reveal of that case's real killer did add something of a sting but it's definitely one of the more interesting cases we've had on the show. As for the tension with Michaela and Oliver, at least this episode might have drawn a line under the sand with it for now.

As for Laurel, I found her way of getting childcare for Christopher pretty underhanded but within character. Last week I was convinced that no harm came to her mother, now I'm back to not being so sure on that one. I do like that both Tegan and Emmett seem naturally suspicious of Laurel and the latter has proven to Annalise that he's not to be underestimated. Out of the two, I'll take more scenes with Tegan than Emmett to be honest.

- Asher managed to get himself an internship working with Roland and Bonnie's at the DA's office. Bonnie did not seem pleased with this outcome.
- Why does everyone go to that apartment when they find themselves homeless? Gabe went there and I bet by next week, he'll have moved in with the Keating 4. I like Annalise's new digs though.
- So far we have Asher, Nate, Gabe, Tegan and Emmett unaccounted for but I can't imagine why the last two would even by at Connor and Oliver's wedding.
- Chronology: Two and a half months before the big Connor/Oliver wedding.

Not as impressive as the first episode but I did like the case of the week and while I was more on Oliver's side than Michaela's, I am also glad that the show won't continue the tension between them. Whose Blood Is That added a little more to the saga with Bonnie right now looking awfully suspicious. As for the grooms of the wedding, hopefully we'll see them soon.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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