Friday, January 04, 2019

Batman 66 - Episodes 97-100 Reviews

Settling into the third season, we've got two new female antagonists, more Penguin and two incidents where the Dynamic Duo's identities nearly became known.

3x03: The Wail Of The Siren

Getting Joan Collins for this show must have been a coup at the time and here, she's bloody fantastic as the seductive Siren. The Siren's overall plans in this one are also pretty solid and nearly successful to boot. She managed to get Commissioner Gordon to sneak into the Batmobile and get into the Batcave and she nearly cleaned Bruce Wayne out of his fortune. What didn't go her way was the rather effective team up with Robin and Batgirl who managed to undo her overall great schemes. It's a pity this was the only time we got to see the character, but at least it was a memorable episode for her. 8/10

3x04: The Sport Of Penguins

After appearing in the opening and briefly in the previous one, it kind of feels like we've gotten a bit too much of the Penguin too early in the third season. This time around, he's working with Lola Lasagna (another one off female baddie) in some daft scheme involving horses while also still smarting from being jilted by Barbara Gordon. The team up with Penguin and Lola to one side, it's not the most exciting of episodes but it's the first time in the season we're back to multi part stories though. 6/10

3x05: A Horse Of Another Color

A somewhat better second half to this two parter, only for the fact that we get to see Penguin and Batgirl actually race each other along with an undercover Dick, sporting a dodgy Spanish accent that even Lola doesn't seem too bothered to not find suspicious at any point. Much as I like the Penguin as a character (and found his growing vendetta towards Barbara to be childishly amusing), I do wonder if this story would've been somewhat better had Lola just been the main villain or if she had been paired up with another baddie for example. Still though, at least this segment made it a little more interesting. 7/10

3x06: The Unkindest Tut Of All

Three episodes ago, we had Commissioner Gordon close to exposing the Dynamic Duo's identities and within this episode, we also had King Tut doing the same thing. When he wasn't making prophecies come true, he was also trying (and failing to prove) that Bruce Wayne was Batman while also referencing a few other baddies and getting a meeting of his own with Batgirl. There's also an amusing subplot where Bruce and Barbara are seemingly set up on a date by the latter's father and to be honest, it's as awkward and as forced as any Bruce/Barbara pairing has ever been. Even in the 60's, DC tried (and failed) to make this a thing. 8/10

Next blog I'll delve into Louie the Lilac, The Ogg and I/How to Hatch a Dinosaur and Surf's Up! Joker's Under!

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