Friday, January 25, 2019

My Review of Gotham's 5x04: "Ruin"

Written by James Stoteraux & Chad Fiveash
Directed by Nathan Hope

Zsasz: "Will I be appointed a lawyer? I feel like my rights are being violated."
Oswald: "Not your right to remain silent. Bailiff!"

Well, given the context of this season and going a little bit on The Dark Knight Rises side of things, this episode made for the returns of both Victor Zsasz and Jeremiah and the use of a kangaroo court to which Oswald tried (and failed of course) to get his former killer for hire bumped with a guillotine and some mob justice.

Before he even protested his innocence, I didn't peg Zsasz down for the Haven bomber. It's just not his overall style but the deadpan snarking he had with Gordon, the GCPD and Oswald certainly earned him a gagging order as Oswald tried to convince everyone that he was guilty of blowing Haven up.

It really didn't take long for Gordon and Oswald's little truce from the last episode to come to an end with this one. Oswald couldn't help letting power go to his head and trying to get a little payback (which is funny as Barbara sidelined her own opportunity to do exactly the same thing) and Jim yet again, wouldn't let Oswald do what he wanted, which means the pair of them are at loggerheads once again.

As for Zsasz, he got to live another day, there was a near shoot out with him and Gordon but overall, neither of them got hurt. I personally wouldn't be letting someone like Zsasz loose on the street and given that we've got another 'trial' coming up in a later episode, don't be surprised to see Victor popping up at least once more this season.

As for the Haven bomber though - it's Nygma and he seemed rather shocked by his actions. Not shocked enough to throw an old woman out of a window so she couldn't blab though but still shocked enough. Personally, I'm less shocked given his mental state this season but I did rather enjoy the team up with him and Lucius this week.

Kangaroo courts and bomber identities to one side, this episode also heralded the return of Jeremiah and I have to admit, in some respects his scenes were the weakest of the episode. Not to mention the fact that there's no way in hell despite her best efforts did Selina actually succeed in killing Jeremiah. Nope, don't buy it for a moment and neither should she, Bruce or Alfred either. As for Ecco, she seemed to be a bit on autopilot but at least the episode did show some appropriate shades of Joker/Harley with Jeremiah and Ecco's fleeting interactions here.

Last but not least there's Barbara. This week she seemed a lot calmer than she's been in a while. She chose to prioritize finding the Haven bomber over getting revenge on Oswald (though I don't doubt she'll be back on that soon enough) and even seemed to understand Gordon initially thinking she might have been the bomber too. Then there was that last scene with her and Jim that would've been a shock had the trailers not spoiled it weeks ago. Still a good way to end this particular one though.

- Another voice cameo from Jaime Murray this week. When are we actually going to see her character properly? Nice to see the show hasn't forgotten Sofia Falcone, even if we're not likely to see her this season.
- It seems that horrible gang from two weeks ago are actually working for Jeremiah and Ecco. Jeremiah killed the leader.
- Aside from Leslie not being accounted for (c'mon show, time for her to come back now), we didn't see Edward the dog either.
- Chronology: Exactly from where Penguin, Our Hero left off.

Ruin was an entertainingly daft episode, boasting the clear OTT manner of the Kangaroo Court and having Zsasz throw out a few fun zingers but the Selina and Jeremiah plot just lacked the intensity it could've had and that was after last week's exciting confrontation she had with Ecco. As for the Jim/Barbara hook up, it was okay enough I guess.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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