Saturday, January 26, 2019

My Review of How To Get Away With Murder's 5x10: "Don't Go Dark On Me"

Written by Sara Rose Feinberg
Directed by Cherie Nowlan

Nate (to Annalise, re Miller): "He just kept lying to my face, saying I was wrong and I lost it. Started swinging. It was like I wasn't there. No control."

After the rather flashback heavy previous episode, this one mostly kept to the present as the problems that were both Gabriel and Miller kept piling on for everyone else, with Annalise becoming privy to the latter situation when Nate was forced to confess at the end.

I do admit that I'm liking that so far all the evidence is actually pointing to Miller maybe not being so bad even if it makes what Bonnie and Nate did to him all the worse for it. Bonnie's look of horror when she was listening to Ron's phone conversations, coupled with Nate's own mental gymnastics as he explained to Annalise certainly added more complexity to this storyline than I was expecting and that can only be a good thing.

Of course, while Bonnie and Nate did their best to cover their tracks and not generate unwanted attention to themselves, Ronald's disappearance quickly became an investigation and Asher even found himself learning what happened to his boss before Michaela and Laurel forced a confession out of him as well and that's not also taking the Gabe part of this story into account.

Speaking of Gabe, this week he tried to reach out to the Keating 5 to find out more about his father's death only to get shut down by them while another flashback revealed that him and Miller were working together. I guess that bit wasn't too shocking and it seems a handy enough way of trying to connect some of the plot strands together but at this rate, he's going to find out what really happened to his father.

Then there was Eve. Her return was delightful and she gave Annalise once again some sage advice about sobering up and getting herself a girlfriend. You can tell that in spite of her expecting a baby with Vanessa that Eve still carries a torch for Annalise and while the two of them did argue over how to handle Gabe, Annalise still feels something for her too. Hell, even Frank called them endgame at one point in the episode.

- Both Tegan and Emmett teased each other about fancying Annalise. Clearly, more so in Tegan's case given her interest in Annalise's bisexuality and even Michaela's story about Aidan. Michaela also even offered Tegan the case of Nate Sr as well.
- Nice to see Connor refer to Wes as a superhero to Christophe, but it does highlight that Connor wasn't especially nice to Wes when he was alive. Oliver also seemed to rather gloomy this week looking over wedding gifts.
- Miller's little notes to Bonnie. I guess she really did kill her last chance of finding happiness on this show.
- Chronology: From where the previous episode left off.

Don't Go Dark On Me kept a tighter focus on things from last week with a few good twists and turns and of course, any scene involving Annalise and Eve was clearly going to be a highlight in this episode. It'll be interesting to see if the remaining episodes maintain Miller's innocence and the impact of what that knowledge will do to Bonnie and Nate or if there's another twist on the horizon with him and his role in Nate Sr's death.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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