Friday, February 15, 2019

Batman 66 - Episodes 117-120 Reviews

Well, it's the final blog for this particular side of the Batman universe (or is it?) and the moment has kind of been prepared for. Without further ado, my thoughts on the final four episodes of Batman 66.

3x23: I'll Be A Mummy's Uncle

Remember earlier in the season when it appeared that King Tut learned who the Dynamic Duo were? Well, let's revisit that thread again but before I do, I should point out that originally this episode along with The Unkindest Tut Of All were actually meant to be a two parter before they were separated as episodes. Here though, King Tut actually managed to get into the Batcave, worked out that Bruce and Dick were Batman and Robin and even came close to revealing all before a ceiling somewhat collapsed in on him and set him back to his more harmless alter ego. Oh well, Tut, you came closer than others did. 8/10

3x24: The Joker's Flying Saucer

If any Batman show could do something with aliens, it would be this one but alas, it's a hoax or more of a convoluted scheme on the Joker's part in his last main story for the series. It's not his greatest of schemes and there's a bit where Alfred is unconvincingly undercover as a mad scientist while Batgirl winds up being taken hostage by the Clown Prince of Crime. Cesar Romero does put in a good final performance but it's a disappointing story compared to his earlier efforts in the third season. 6/10

3x25: The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra

With two episodes left to go, I admire the show for deciding to give us three more original villains. In this one, we've got enchantress Cassandra Spellman (Ida Lupino) and her less focused on husband/right hand man, Cabala (Howard Duff) cooking up an interesting scheme involving invisibility pills and the use of six of the biggest baddies from the show - Catwoman, Penguin, Joker, Riddler, King Tut and Egghead. The only catch is that none of the actors behind these roles actually reprise them but instead it's body doubles at the ready while the Terrific Trio briefly experience a moment as cardboard cutouts before being restored by Alfred. It's also noteworthy for this episode being the first Batgirl got to appear in the Batcave while Robin showed signs of attraction towards her as well. Cassandra is a decent baddie too and while I would've preferred the original back, it was nice to get another glimpse of the six most popular foes in the series. 8/10

3x26: Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires

Last episode and while I like, it really doesn't feel like a finale. I mean, it's pretty enjoyable but overall, it's a bit mundane. There's a nice guest appearance from Zsa Zsa Gabor as final baddie/spa owner, Minerva who is stealing from millionaires by using one of her devices to read their minds and of course we nearly get the Dynamic Duo steamed to death while Batgirl and Alfred also play their role in Minerva's eventual downfall. There's also a brief team up with Freddy the Fence (he really does liking working with female baddies). For a final episode, it's nothing special but decent enough I guess. 6/10

I'll probably review Return To The Batcave: The Misadventures Of Adam And Burt at a later date. This series review was a lot of fun to do though.

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