Thursday, April 11, 2019

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 4x10: "The Getaway"

Written by Matthew Maala & Ubah Mohammed
Directed by Viet Nguyen

Ray (to a Sheriff): "My friends and I are time travelers. We've kidnapped Nixon and we're headed to Disney World."

And on this show, you know that to be an absolute certainty. Road trip, anyone? Well, this week for our Motley crew that's what we got along with a kidnapped president and a truth bug that had most of our cast members revealing more than they actually wanted but nothing (except Mick's Fabio revelation) that was out of the way shocking for all involved.

It's not surprising that Sara is struggling with her latest break up with Ava and it was less surprising that a part of her blamed Mona for it as well. I guess it was better for the two of them to get that one out of the way along with Sara and John finding out that Mona was a Kaupe as well. I did like (but also expected) that Sara would be the one to talk Mona back into reverting to her normal form.

As for Mona, she's managed to earn herself a place on the Waverider for the remainder of the season and it's probably a good thing too considering the Time Bureau's desire to kill her at this rate. I'm still a little mixed on Mona as a character but I think she's improved a little bit since her introduction earlier in the season.

Of course with Mona being a regular now, this episode also marked a departure for Hank. I'm not too surprised that he didn't make it out of this season alive but I did think his death would've happened a little later in the season. Still though, the moment both him and Nate actually started to bond should've been the obvious signal for Hank not being much longer for the world. Then he chose his son over his work and that really cinched the deal.

I'm glad to see that Neron isn't wasting his time in showing how much of a nasty piece of work he can be but yet again, we're stuck in a situation where an innocent character is being blamed for a death. This time with Nate convinced that Nora murdered his father and the latter not getting a chance to point out her innocence.

Saying that, despite the predictable scenario, it was nice to see Nora back this week and I actually liked her and Gary working together to uncover more about Hank while Zari provided various roadblocks with Hank's pursuit of the Legends this week. On a negative note, it does seem like the show is massively gearing towards a Nate/Zari romance and to be honest, I'm not especially keen on the idea myself. I think they really do work better as friends.

Then there's Richard Nixon himself. Paul Ganus did an okay job in the role and the character was largely treated as a comedy sidepiece in a manner more OTT than the former President's depiction in Doctor Who back in 2011. Still, the truth bug did come close to improving old Dickie before the Legends had to ensure that his real history remained intact. 

- Charlie was mostly sidelined in this episode while Ava was a no show. I do hope Sara/Ava's latest break up isn't dragged out for too long though. Nora is also reading Mick's books. 
- Constantine having a surprisingly negative effect on Ray's sleeping patterns did actually surprise me but it makes sense. It's also nice that Mick isn't the only one who feels that way about John.
- Zari has a pretty good DJ voice. 
- Chronology: 1973 for most of this episode with the gang and Nixon.

The Getaway made for a good road trip episode with the show nicely ironing Mona's integration with the Legends while at the same time, upping the ante a little with Neron showing his bad self with Hank. Now we just need Neron and Constantine to actually face off with each other.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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