Tuesday, April 30, 2019

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 4x13: "Eggs MacGuffin"

Written by James Eagan & Tyron B. Carter
Directed by Chris Tammaro

Neron (as Ray): "Well done, Mr Green."
Gary: "I'm whole again."

Oh, Gary, you had to, didn't you? Oh well, it's not like this episode didn't heavily foreshadow it along with the fact that since his introduction, it's become a hobby for pretty much everyone to give crap to Gary, only for the latter to finally snap when Neron spotted a weakness that was only too easy to exploit.

Tempting Gary with his missing nipple while Constantine unwisely chose the wrong time to be somewhat harsh with Gary was good plotting on Neron's part. While a part of me would've liked Gary to have resisted the temptation, I do think it made more sense for him not to. Behind his cheerful demeanor was always someone who was going to snap at the worst possible time and behold, this was that time.

As for Ray - he spent most of this episode trying to resist giving into Neron until the threat of Nate's life made him surrender to the demon while Constantine's attempts to get rid of Neron again massively failed. Having an evil duo of Ray and Gary along with an unwilling Constantine should turn out to be entertaining for the remaining episodes but at least the Legends and Time Bureau have Nora in their back pocket.

Of course with Neron upping his game as a baddie, you'd think that would be the only thing for Sara and company to worry about, but as the episode ended, the golden egg that made up a huge plot for this one also turned out be a dragon egg. I'm not surprised the show is going there and the Game Of Thrones comparisons will be naturally inevitable but it should be fun though.

The egg itself was also used as part of Sara and Ava's attempts to matchmake with Nate and Zari and at this rate, I'm actually cool enough with the budding relationship. It's happening regardless of what fans might want or not and the use of Indiana Jones did add a little silliness to the overall antics this week when Nate and Zari went undercover and had to deal with Nazis to boot.

Then there was the Rebecca Silver subplot. Mona managed to be the worst kind of fangirl ever during Charlie and Mick's attempts to make a quick buck of the latter pseudonym at a romantic convention but Mick outing himself as Silver was a rather inspired moment. For all his abrasive boorish behaviour, I liked that he actually cared enough about the fanbase his romantic alias had cultivated and it was also nice to see Mick get an actual plot as well.

As for the book club - I burst out laughing as Sara got so into a book that even Ava herself hadn't bothered to read because she'd prefer to let Mona drone on about the book. It was nice to see Sara and Ava more on an even keel with each other this week and of course, the book's dogwalker character, along with unappreciated Vincent during the dragon egg plot was all for setting Gary's own betrayal of the gang this week.

- At some point, Constantine learnt some tricks from Marie Laveau, even if they didn't do him any good against Neron this week.
-  Nate and Zari had the aliases of the two main protagonists from Indiana Jones to boot, though Zari seemed unfamiliar with the film series.
- Nora has now become a member of the Time Bureau. Will that be enough to keep her around for next season?
- Chronology: 2019 Washington and Seattle as well as 1933 Arctic Expedition.

Eggs MacGuffin had it's moments of absurdity as does every episode but it was really the last fifteen minutes that really did the episode its favours. It's interesting to see what Neron is going to do next now that he has a massive upper hand against the current team.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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