Friday, May 17, 2019

My Review of Now Apocalypse's 1x10: "Everything Is Gone Forever"

Written by Gregg Araki & Karley Sciortino
Directed by Gregg Araki

Ulysses: "I just want answers."

After ten episodes on this show, don't we all? Frustratingly, this episode came no closer to actually doing that, even if we found from the homeless guy that he got pregnant from being raped by the cheap looking alien on this show. Then he got electrocuted after Ulysses refused to kill him for good measure.

Ulysses wasn't looking for more alien antics in this episode. Instead he was dealing with a break up from Isaac while trying to avoid Gabriel and comfort both Carly and Ford over their relationship woes as well. Then the encounter with the homeless guy and Gabriel happened towards the end of this episode but after the last scene, at least one other character will believe in aliens.

I didn't expect Jethro to be the one to get attacked by the alien at the end. The way the homeless guy talked about being at an all time low when it happened to him, I had a feeling that Ford might have been the victim but having it be Jethro could work well into the second season (if this show has one), now that him and Carly are no more.

I'm not surprised that Carly was the one to dump Jethro, seeing as she's always been the one in control of their relationship. Breaking up with Jethro, whom she doesn't respect most of the time was probably the least selfish thing she could've done for him. Carly also seemed the least affected by her own relationship going down the tubes.

Last but not least - Ford and Severine also broke up in this episode and it wasn't a moment too soon. Of course, it was Severine who made the break and Ford being the one to take it worse than her, even if he came close to hooking up with Cleopatra from the previous episode before changing his mind and leaving the latter at the end of the road.

I'm not surprised that all the main relationships broke up given how heavily signposted it was in the episode before and while I don't care about Ford/Severine and Carly/Jethro, I am a little disappointed to see Ulysses and Isaac break up. Whatever is going on with Gabriel though, I hope is finally answered early next season, again if the show gets one.

- Carly's meeting with Starz involved her encountering one of her cam clients and by the sounds of it, she probably didn't get a role she was hoping for.
- I really could've done without seeing that alien appendage during the last scene with Jethro.
- Both Ford and Jethro were talking to their mothers on the phone in this one. Ford also found out that his parents financial woes means they can't support him in LA anymore.
- Chronology: A few days since the previous episode.

Everything Is Gone Forever marks an okay ending to a fun first season. I don't know what this show's odds are on getting a second run (the ratings on Starz don't look great) and with the cliff hanger moment as well, it's hard to determine if solid answers will arrive for the series ongoing premise.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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