Thursday, November 28, 2019

My Review of Titans 2x12: "Faux Hawk"

Written by Tom Pabst
Directed by Larnell Stovall

Dick: "I'm sorry I burned your suit. I need your help, Stu. I need another one. Something different."
Stu: "Well, Master Wayne said you'd be coming."
Dick: "Of course he did."

It's the penultimate episode and still our main players have not all reached one another. I could go on about this show's serious lack of focus and massive cons of keeping our heroes apart and I will when I get to the finale but for now, let's concentrate on the main pointers from this episode.

The title itself derives from Hank when off his face decided to sell his Hawk costume to a moronic teenager (Drew Scheid) who completely seemed to miss the point of being a Titan. It's okay though as the show has done that itself too often in it's two season run. On the plus side, Hank managed to get his costume, develop some self awareness and the naff Fight Club esque stuff was largely relegated to one actual scene and another dream sequence. Still though, it was the weaker part of the episode but nowhere near as dreadful as I was expecting it to be.

As for Dawn - doesn't she work a lot better away from Hank? The answer to that would be a resounding yes as both her and Donna delivered sushi to Walter, used the lasso on him to get information about Gar (they're seemingly not that bothered about Conner) and because of this, Mercy decided to up the ante on her already deadly experiments with Gar, which has seen the poor guy mauling innocent people for her amusement.

I do like Mercy but I'm not entirely getting the point of this plot, unless it's to show how evil she's capable of being or whatever. Also, what the hell is going on with Conner because having him absent for several episodes in a row after only introducing him in the second half of the season seems a bit off, right?

As for Rachel and Kory, they briefly argued over what to do with Dick and Gar, kind of said some harsh things to one another before making up and deciding to look for Gar first. It's a good job that Dick did manage to free himself then given that no one seems to be bothered to actually seek him out. Like Donna and Dawn though, Rachel and Kory do make for a good team.

Getting to Dick though, he visited a guy named Stu, got his Nightwing costume (which we'll see in the finale but promo pics have shown the full article and it looks great) and had another confrontation with Jericho's mother, who just wants her son. Deathstroke on the other hand is aware that the Titans are (slowly) getting back together and we had Rose and Jason break up when the former confessed everything to the latter. Why do I get the feeling if we get Jericho back in the finale, we'll end up losing Rose instead?

- Given the heavy flashbacks for Rose in this episode, this one should've been called Ravager (she got her costume there) as the Faux Hawk in question had less screen time.
- Loved the opening sequence with Jericho and Slade in the latter's head. Please let Jericho make it out of alive of the season.
- Bruce knowing exactly the costume that Dick would want. We better get a good scene with them in the finale.
- Chronology: From where the previous one left off.

Faux Hawk is a pretty solid penultimate episode though the focus on everything else but Hank was what made the episode a lot better than I expected it to be. I've not heard good things about the finale but I am going to go into it with an open mind and hope it won't be that bad.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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