Friday, October 09, 2020

Doctor Who - NYCC 2020 Highlights

And I use the word 'highlights' loosely because to be honest, there wasn't a lot actually revealed during yesterday's NYCC panel, featuring Jodie Whittaker (the Doctor), Bradley Walsh (Graham) and Mandip Gill (Yasmin), moderated by Melanie McFarland.

Definitely a case of keeping one's expectations tempered, although we at least got something in regards to the upcoming special, Revolution Of The Daleks.

The something being a synopsis for the special (which still does not have a confirmed date) and two pictures, which let's be honest hardly set things alight in terms of excitement. The first picture released showed the Doctor in prison fatigues, marking down the time she's been imprisoned and it seems a long time has passed for her since the events of The Timeless Children. 

The second photo showed the main companions - Graham, Yasmin and Ryan (Tosin Cole) all sat around a table, clearly doing research as the special will see them having to go up against a Dalek invasion without the Doctor to help them. Considering the title of this special was revealed back in March, would it really have hurt either Chris Chibnall or the BBC to have released one photo of a Dalek? What is wrong with the marketing team these days? 

I can see the logic in holding a trailer off as a date hasn't been confirmed yet for the special but at the same time, I'd be surprised if one doesn't materialise next month around the time we get Children In Need on BBC1 but it's a sad state of affairs when Star Trek can come out swinging by revealing a beloved character (Kate Mulgrew's Captain Janeway) returning for an upcoming animated series but Doctor Who can barely make the effort with a panel like NYCC. A serious missed opportunity. Anyways, we did get a synopsis for Revolution Of The Daleks, so here it is ....

The Doctor is locked away in a high-security alien prison. Isolated, alone, with no hope of escape. Far away, on Earth, her best friends, Yaz, Ryan and Graham have to pick up their lives without her. But it’s not easy. Old habits die hard. Especially when they discover a disturbing plan forming. A plan which involves a Dalek. How can you fight a Dalek, without the Doctor?

I really hate criticising the series at the moment but when it's given good media opportunities and squanders it, it only adds to the current frustration that this whole era has been generating for a long while and heading towards the end of the year, we're still none the wiser as to what's going on with the next series. It's time for the BBC and Chris Chibnall to up their game and stop being so secretive before they kill the enthusiasm for the series altogether.

NYCC Lookback:

Revolution Of The Daleks will air on BBC1 and BBCAmerica over the festive period. Filming for Series 13 has yet to be officially confirmed. 

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