Monday, June 07, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x05: "The Satanist's Apprentice"


Written by Keto Shimizu And Ray Utarnachitt
Directed by Caity Lotz

Astra (to Crowley): "No distractions here. Let's make some real power."

The first four episodes this season have been something of a mixed bag and I'm not entirely sure if I like this ongoing alien arc but this episode felt like a good step forward with certain things.

This week things mostly revolved around Astra and her struggles adapting to normal life. After a three episode, it was nice to catch up with her again and between harshly realising the necessity of cash, a racist neighbour, John being distracted and a house falling apart, no wonder Astra wanted to take the short route.

In the premiere episode, Aleister Crowley was mentioned by Constantine and here he's seen trapped in a painting but not for long as it took very little to get Astra to let him out and have John take his place in the painting.

Needless to say, Astra chose to work with Crowley in order to get powers and when the Legends stopped by, they ended up being turned into a binder (Ava), block of cheese (Nate), flip phone (Zari), candlestick (Behrad) and fork (Spooner) while Astra considered stealing her racist neighbours to get more power.

Of course Astra changed her mind, turned on Crowley and the latter decided to turn things into a Disney movie with Astra finding an magical enema of sorts to save the day and put Crowley back in his painting.

I'm not keen on Constantine with no magic but between him promising to start from scratch with Astra and Crowley bending his ear about a magical force (alien magic), I get the feeling John will be tempted to take a shortcut himself.

As for Sara, well this week we learned a lot about Bishop. Notably that he's completely off his rocker, has a penchant for dancing, has an insufferable god complex to complete the mad scientist stereotype and that he created the Ava clones.

This week we had a Nurse Ava one who as well as being a Wynonna Earp fangirl also had no problem deceiving Sara as Bishop informed the latter that they were more connected than before. It seems Sara happens to be essential to his whole wanting to reshape humanity thing he's got going on this season.

- Crowley was voiced by Matt Lucas so that the third Doctor Who companion actor we've had on the show. I'm surprised he didn't make a physical appearance though.
- Interesting to see Astra's perspective of the three episodes she didn't appear in. Mostly with her being exasperated by Constantine being distracted.
- No Gary or Mick/Kayla this week but both are back in the next episode.
- Chronology: Present day for the majority of this episode.

 The Satanist's Apprentice was the strongest episode we've had this season. Great performances from both Matt Ryan and Olivia Swann with Matt Lucas as a good guest villain. The animated sequence along with Astra's singing worked well and I enjoyed the Sara and Bishop scenes too.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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