Monday, June 21, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x07: "Back To The Finale Part II"


Written by Morgan Faust And Mark Bruner
Directed by Glen Winter

Sara: "Ava Sharpe, will you marry me?"

I think it's a safe bet that if this season had aired in it's usual schedule, this episode undoubtedly would've been the mid season finale.

Hell, this episode was an attempt on Behrad's part alone to undo the events of the previous finale and stop Sara from getting abducted by aliens in the first place. Needless to say despite his efforts and help from other Legends, this was a plan destined to fail.

Of course that wasn't a bad thing as we learned that you can't change events without setting off other ripples in the timeline and with the help of Mick, Kayla, Gary and the Ava clones, Sara did manage to finally get away from Bishop and temporarily put him on ice.

However while the reunion with Sara and her team was much needed and the highlight of the episode along with the overdue proposal to Ava, there's still the issue of Sara no longer being her original self.

She let Mick in on the secret and he got one of the most touching reactions to it but I'm hoping it's not long before Ava and the rest of the team are aware that Sara is now a clone with alien DNA to boot. 

Although Bishop did get his backside handed to him and incinerated by Mick, unfortunately he has gotten the last laugh with Sara and I don't doubt it'll be long before the two cross paths again. At least when that happens, she'll have her team to help take him out.

As for the rest of the gang, there was a lot of lovely moments between them but I also liked that while they were sad at the thought of losing Sara, they had taken to having Spooner around. Spooner and Sara even got a lovely conversation when the former was undercover as well.

- John of course wanted to encourage Behrad's plan to get his magic back, which Zari figured out.
- Nate's undercover look as Constantine from a different timeline was terrible. I also wonder if Kayla was killed by those Zagurons when helping Sara, Mick and Gary escape.
- We manage to briefly see Charlie in the episode, though it was footage lifted from the finale and nothing new.
- Chronology: As the title of the episode confirmed, the finale from last year so 1977 London.

Back To The Finale Part II was the reprise that was needed for the show and it was a fun reprisal as well. I'm glad Sara is finally back with the Legends and the aftermath of this new phase of her should be interesting going into the second half of the season.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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