Monday, July 12, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x09: "This Is Gus"


Written by Tyron B Carter
Directed by Eric Dean Seaton

Astra: "Finally, something interesting happens on this show."
Behrad: "This is not supposed to happen."

Didn't we do the sitcom thing last season? Oh well, guess we're gonna do it again for an episode that saw one of Legends turn a quarter of a century.

Ever since the character joined properly at the end of the fourth season, I've found Behrad to be something of an oddity with the series. While Shayan Sobhian seems like a nice guy, Behrad has not been the greatest of characters to watch.

In the space of nearly two seasons, the character's main trait seems to be about constantly getting high and it's a trait that has long worn out it's welcome to the point where Behrad honestly has no other discerning characteristic about him.

This episode saw the Legends improvise a mission in British Vancouver where the taping of Behrad's favourite show Bud Stuy was happening and of course, a cute fluffy pink alien named Gus also factored into things.

I'm not a huge sitcom person and Bud Stuy came across as the type of show that would've made me lose the will to live of it were an actual show. However it's Behrad's favourite and largely down to its leading man Imran Saeed (Shawn Ahmed) playing a sitcom version of Behrad in everything but name of course.

Naturally Behrad's peeved when the alien changes his favourite show's history and throughout the episode, Behrad finds himself being changed from the slacker stoner to a much colder character as things begin to hit the fan.

However it's a nice combination of Nate, Zari 2.0 and Astra saving the day, getting Behrad to his old self and of course Imran also making amends with his brother, Kamran (Saad Siddiqui) as the two have a sibling dynamic not that dissimilar to Behrad and Zari.

With the main plot being largely hit and miss, the B plot saw the return of Lita, who is now pregnant and Mick's reaction ranged from anger to having a nice bonding moment with Lita's baby daddy, Niko. As for Mick himself being pregnant thanks to that encounter with Kayla. Well, I didn't see that one coming.

- Zari 2 has temporarily gone into the totem so Zari 1 is back with the Legends. I've missed Zari 1.
- Gus is basically just a much smaller and pinker version of Beebo and with Nate bonding to him, he's staying for a while.
- Sara and Spooner had some nice scenes together as did Ava and Gary with Mick and Constantine was a no show this week.
- Chronology: British Vancouver 2023 and Behrad's birthday of course.

This Is Gus felt like it had disaster written all over it to the point where I was actively dreading watching but it turned out a little better than expected. I'm still not sure if Behrad really does work on the show as a regular but this was a decent showcase for him.

Rating: 6 out of 10

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