Monday, July 19, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x10: "Bad Blood"


Written by Grainne Godfree
Directed by Alexandra La Roche

Constantine: "Only a bastard can vanquish a monster."

And within this episode, John crossed the line with both, didn't he? I knew he was going to resort to the worst measures to get his magic back. This episode didn't prove me wrong.

Using Spooner's help to translate Crowley's map, John and Spooner took at a trip to the Spanish Civil War in order to locate the Fountain of Imperium and of course there were complications to be had.

The first involving a young man named Fernando who had drank from the Fountain and been reviving his revolutionary uncle El Gatto, which brought about the attention of certain soldiers. Constantine's initial way of dealing with them was interesting.

I wasn't expecting this episode to have Matt Ryan dressed as a priest but it was an amusing distraction before John, Spooner and Fernando managed to get away from the soldiers and to the Fountain itself. That's also where everything went spectacularly wrong.

Constantine's desperation to get his magic had him fail to drink from an empty fountain and also fail to siphon Fernando's magic. Juicing himself up on that concoction of Crowley's gave him a boost but it also brought out a darker side to John as well.

Having him kill evil soldiers was one thing but wiping Spooner's memory when she tried to stop was another. I'm becoming more and more convinced this dark path Constantine is being set on will see him depart at the end of this season. Plot wise though, it's riveting stuff to watch.

Less riveting was the B plot of the week, which involved Lita resorting to faking going into labour to get Mick to look after himself and Gus growing into a teenager and the other Legends getting rid of the character. It wasn't awful but the Constantine and Spooner stuff was so much better to watch.

- Crowley's banker was a vampire named Noelle, who had no issue with the idea of selling his soul to the highest bidder.
- Sara and Ava were relegated to one scene, Gary was mostly in alien form, Nate and Zari didn't do a lot and the writers are clearly setting up a Behrad and Astra romance. Oh and Mick has 48 eggs in his head.
- Spooner's comments about her mother have to mean something later on, right? John also talked about his working class background, bisexuality and abusive father.
- Chronology: 1939 Albacete, Spain for the majority of the episode.

Bad Blood was a definitive marked improvement on the previous outing and one of the darkest episodes the show has done. Constantine's descent into darkness to get his magic back is the only story he needs this season and the inclusion of Spooner added to it as well. 

Rating: 8 out of 10

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