Monday, August 30, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 6x14: "There Will Be Brood"


Written by Ray Utarmachitt And Marcelena Campos Mayhorn
Directed by Maisie Richardson-Sellers

Constantine (re Fountain of Imperium): "I killed it. I killed it, Astra."

Well, this went to shit pretty fast, didn't it? Mick, Spooner and Constantine all looked like they were taken out of the equation but given what we know about next week's finale and next season, things aren't so crystal clear here.

If Mick hypothetically had to die then I guess saving one of his spawn from a bomb courtesy of Bishop would've been a noble way to go but we're not done with the character just yet. After all even the trailer couldn't keep up the pretence.

Then there's Spooner herself. Throw anyone into a situation where they can save their mother from being murdered and of course, they'll do it. Spooner knew there would be consequences to changing her own personal history but did it regardless. However again, the trailer for next week revealed her fate.

Spooner's scenes with her younger self and her mother were genuinely effective and it's good that the show has solved the mystery of what actually happened to her. It was also nice to see Astra step up as a friend to Spooner as well, given her own experiences with losing a mother.

As for the Constantine and Bishop pairing, was it really that shocking that the tw would try and backstab one another? Sadly for John, Bishop was just that bit more clever so his newly regained powers also came with a death sentence for Constantine.

I'm really not sure how I feel about Constantine being killed off like this or if it will even stick. If it doesn't then guilt for betraying the Legends will likely force his hand to leave. However I do think his death will ultimately stick. 

As for the rest of the Legends, they were largely trapped in John's house until Gary had the novel idea of using alien social media to get Kayla to help. Other than that, this episode largely belonged to John, Astra, Spooner and Bishop. The latter now having cmplete his mission to destroy the Fountain and leave Earth vulnerable for his own schemes.

- Mick admitted his feelings for Kayla and she did not seem to be opposed by them.
- Was there any point to John/Zari 2 pairing this season? I do feel that plot should've been scrapped last season as it added nothing overall to his downward spiral.
- Maisie Richardson-Sellers did an excellent directing job here. I do miss Charlie.
- Chronology: 1925 Odessa, Texas, where Spooner is really from. 

There Will Be Brood excelled in the emotional moments with Spooner and her mother, Astra and John but I'm not sure how I feel about the latter being killed off. I hope the finale can end this season on a strong note.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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