Friday, August 20, 2021

My Review of Titans 3x04: "Blackfire"


Written by Stephanie Coggins
Directed by Millicent Shelton

Blackfire: "Where are you taking me?"
Starfire: "Are you serious? You'd rather stay down there?"
Blackfire: "I don't trust you."
Starfire: "Goes both ways, sister."

After spending the first three episodes creeping around and causing Kory to have some psychotic moments, it was finally time to reintroduce Blackfire into the fold and this was certainly a way to introduce her.

For someone who was able to murder her own parents and take over her own world, you'd think Blackfire wouldn't have easily been caught and locked away in an underground facility but that's exactly what happened to the character. It also was revealed her mental attacks on Kory were to get the latter to help her as well.

Needless to say, Kory and Gar track Blackfire down, the sisters rake over the past during their reunion and Kory considered leaving her sister to  remain imprisoned before helping her escape. I'm not sure that was Kory's best idea bur let's see where Blackfire will go from here in the remainder of this season.

As for Dick, he figured out that Scarecrow was mentoring Red Hood and when the latter tried to get to his former mentor, Dick got there first and took Crane to an abandoned cabin in the middle of nowhere. The perfect place for more raking over the past.

With Jonathan repeatedly trying to get into Dick's and it being abundantly clear that he knew everything about Batman and the Titans, it didn't take long for Dick to turn  things to his advantage. He knew exactly how to use Crane in order to get to Red Hood and things almost worked for him.

The fight scene alone with Dick and Jason was evenly matched until Barbara's men swooped in and Nightwing got clipped. This also meant that Jason must have gotten his hands on Crane while Dick had to tend to his wound alone. So close, Dick, bit still somewhat far.

- Conner blamed himself for Hank's death and lashed out at Gar while Dawn decided to go to Paris. I'm not sure if she'll be back later in the season.
- Who was that organisation holding Blackfire prisoner and how did they get her? Last time we saw Blackfire, she had taken over someone else's body. Who's ruling her homeworld in her place?
-  It does seem like Blackfire suffered abuse at the hands of her parents, fueling her resentment towards Starfire.
- Chronology: A few days since the events of the previous episode.

Blackfire continues the streak of a more focused season and if this episode is an indicator, then perhaps the show can manage both the Red Hood/Scarecrow and Blackfire plots with relative ease. However there's also the possibility that maybe some of these villains can be saved as the season goes on.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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