Thursday, September 16, 2021

My Review of American Horror Story: Double Feature - Gaslight


Written by Brad Falchuk And Manny Coto
Directed by John J. Gray

Ursula (re Doris): "There is nothing more tragic, pathetic and sad than a person with no talent trying to make it in the world."

Jeez, Ursula, don't hold back on what you really think. If I said this episode was brutal, I'd almost be underselling it but make no mistake, this episode was brutal. And I loved every single minute of it. This episode alone so a testament to the heights the show can still achieve, writing wise.

I've been slightly disappointed with Doris Gardner to the point were I felt Lily Rabe was being a little bit wasted bit this one episode really put Doris through the ringer of all ringers and Rabe one hell of a sublime performance in the ten seasons she's been attached to the series. Saying that, I completely knew what was going to happen to Doris when she finally succumbed but then again, who didn't see this outcome happening?

Alma not only saw the chances of her mother becoming a Flash Phantom happening but she actively hoped it would. Both Alma and Ursula wanted Doris out of the way and this episode they got their wish as even Harry abandoned his wife to her cruel fate. A part of me thought Harry would kill Doris out of mercy but I guess he really did outgrow caring about her in the space of an hour. With Doris out of the way, who's gonna protect baby Eli from his own sister and Belle from wanting to eat him?

Karen came close to protecting Eli and she might have been the only character left on the show with a conscience had she not taken her own drastic measures. I knew the moment Mickey put Karen in a situation where she would be forced to take the pill, he'd wind up. I guess I should've seen Karen killing herself coming as well.

Sarah Paulson might not have had a lot to do here (and I'm not expecting her to do much in the second half of the season), but she definitely excelled as Karen. Her least glamorous role on the show to date but easily one of her best. Karen might have lived long enough to be a real life of the season but this was one hell of a tour de force for Paulson. 

As we head into the finale of the Red Tide segment of the season, nearly every single remaining character on the show deserves a comeuppance of sorts, but perhaps one of them might make it out of the next episode unscathed. Personally Belle, Alma and Ursula are the most deserving, considering their actions all season long, with Harry and the Chemist not far behind.

- Austin, Lark and the Chemist all sat out this episode. The latter two in particular have had far less screen time than expected.
- Of course Harry drained the blood from the afterbirth to feed on at the beginning. Did Ursula take the pill as well because she mentioned wanting to eat as well?
- Mickey talked about spearheading a Speedracer franchise while Harry was getting two Netflix shows, a movie at the WB and rewriting an Avatar script.
- Chronology: A few weeks since the events of the third episode.

Gaslight was the show firing on all cylinders and proof that the show can cook something truly amazing. The year long absence definitely has rejuvenated the series for the best and if this finale and second half can bring it all home, this will go down as one of the best seasons yet.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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