Thursday, October 14, 2021

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 7x01: "The Bullet Blondes"


Written by James Eagan And Ray Utarnachitt
Directed by Kevin Mock

Sara: "No Time Courier, no Waverider. We're stuck in 1925."

Remember that when classic Doctor Who when entering it's seventh season decided to make things a little Earthbound and even as far as last year when Agents Of SHIELD seventh season sort of did the same thing. Well, Legends Of Tomorrow now in their seventh season are going for a similar idea, funnily enough.

Following the events of the previous finale (which aired last month, boy, is this show back quickly or what?), the Waverider has blown up and the gang are stuck in 1925. Their attempts to get home have predictably failed and their antics have also attracted not only local attention but also that of a certain J. Edgar Hoover (Giacomo Baessato) to boot.

By now, this show has taught us that when the Legends mess up, they do it royally and even when things look like they could turn out fine, something disastrous will derail it. On the other hand, things usually do resolve themselves as well. However they're off to a bad start, thanks to Nate inadvertently causing Hoover's death and Gary having to eat up the body.

Killing off a famous history figure while on the way to New York to seek out one scientist named Gwyn Davies (Matt Ryan) - who we didn't get to see here. I really do hope that Sara, Ava, Nate, Gary and Behrad do bump off anyone else along the way. Ava did kind of grate with going on about not leaving footprints before her true crime obsessive persona came into play and Gary got to feast on human flesh.

As for Spooner, she naturally didn't want the Legends drawing further attention to her mother and they understood that for the most part. Gloria has been a good recurring addition to the series and she had some sensible advice for Astra, in regards to the latter working away from Constantine and finding her own identity as a magical practitioner. Astra might have failed to revive the Waverider but she did manage to make a human version of Gideon, so that's going to be interesting for the rest of this season.

Meanwhile Zari whilst in her element making circus costumes for the gang and snarky remarks about the time couriers also was brooding over John leaving her. I'm actually glad this episode immediately showed us what that key was and for the time being, Zari has a picket dimension to mull things over before the gang finally get help in returning to their ship.

- We just got a very generic title card. Hopefully that changes once they introduce Gwyn into the mix. 
- The title comes from the robbery gang that Behrad had to choose on the spot. Behrad had some decent moments in this episode.
- I am definitely convinced this show might go down the romantic route with Astra and Spooner and I actually hope it does.
- Chronology: 1925, Odessa but we're heading to New York now.

The Bullet Blondes is a strong opening episode and while I'm not entirely keen on the Legends being stuck in one particular time for the whole season (or likely most of it), this change of pace has potential so far. Why did that other Waverider strand the Legends in 1925 and how much help will both a human Gideon and Gwyn actually be to the gang?

Rating: 7 out of 10

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