Friday, October 01, 2021

My Review of Titans 3x10: "Troubled Water"


Written by Melissa Brides
Directed by Larnell Stovall

Scarecrow: "Welcome to Crane Manor."

I wouldn't get too comfortable there if I were you, Jonathan. Granted things are looking great for the Scarecrow right about now. He's poisoned Gotham, undermined the GCPD, gotten Jason back under his control and the Titans are public enemies. All in all, Crane can be smug but given that both Rachel and Donna are back on the scene, his days are likely lumbered.

Donna found herself bring tested by Lydia, confronting fears post revival and forcing herself back into Gotham with a steely determination that the character desperately needed. It's great to have Donna back in the mix. Now just lets hope it doesn't take her too long to reunite with the gang, considering we only havw three episodes left to go.

As for Rachel, she might not have reunited with Donna, but she managed to find Gar pretty quickly and the latter didn't waste much time in telling her what Jason and Crane have been up to since she was last with the team.

It did almost sound like Gar was giving up on his attempts to help Jason, but on the other hand, at least Molly tried to reach out to Jason, in spite of not having much success there. However with three episodes left, Jason will still make it out of this season on the road to a redemption.

Crane framing the Titans for his water damage was thoroughly predictable and it felt like both the Titans and Barbara kept playing into his hands. The stand off at the GCPD went down on a predictably disastrous route and even Barbara herself wound up getting arrested for defending the Titans by Vee. 

As for Starfire and Blackfire, did this episode just regress all the good work previously set up? Starfire saving her sister meant losing her own powers (again, really, show?) and Blackfire didn't seem that upset by the turn of events either. I am hoping that they're not going to have Blackfire actually be evil, considering the U turn we've had with her this season.

- Jonathan was laying it on fairly thick with that Freud spiel to Jason at the start of the episode, so it's not surprising he got Jason to destroy Bruce's portrait of his parents.
- We don't often see characters drinking absinthe, but here we had Dick and Barbara indulge in some white trying to figure out how to get out of the mess caused by Crane.
- No Tim or Bruce this week. Even Krypto has a wanted poster.
- Chronology: From where the last two episodes left off.

Trouble Water wasn't quite as strong as last week and while seeing the Titans play all too easily into Crane's hands was annoying, the bright side is that at least both Rachel and Donna are back in the mix. This Crane story definitely needs to come to an end now.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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