Thursday, February 03, 2022

My Review of Legends Of Tomorrow's 7x11: "Rage Against The Machines"


Written by Mark Bruner And Mercedes Valle
Directed by Jes Macallan

Zari (re Android Legends): "We really are our own worst enemies."

As we head into the final stretch, it was time for the Legends and their Android doubles to meet up and boy, did this episode have fun with that idea. Possibly too much fun with it, but that's no bad thing. This episode had so much in it's favour.

I have to give Nick Zano a shoutout for his comedic timing because he had clearly had way too much fun in playing up Android Nate's toxicity and capped with an Arnold Schwarzenegger accent made the character's scenes even more priceless. It also made the character's final fate more interesting as a certain promise that Sara made Thawne was nicely capped off as well.

Sara had hoped that she could reason with the Android Legends but them killing Thawne and even her put Gwyn in a leadership role that he excelled at. It was fantastic to see the character in his element, using his military knowledge to bring about the downfall of the Android Legends. After this episode, I'm starting to think that Gwyn might be sticking around after all.

Watching the team working together to take out the other Legends was fantastic. Spooner turned her double and Gary in each other, Gary sent the Ava and Astra doubles into hell after Behrad gave them a lethal dose while Astra killed the Behrad double as did Zari with her double and Gideon tricked the Sars and Nate ones into their own destructions. Then another fate befall Android Nate.

However while it seemed like things were working out for the Legends, something had to go wrong. Ending the episode had Gideon stabbed by a toasted Android Astra and this was only moments after the real one said she was proud of Gideon. I guess we did need that cliff hanger moment as the show took a break for the Winter Olympics.

However now that the Legends have control of the other Waverider, there's the problem of the other Gideon. The trailer for the next episode made it clear that Zari's pulling the plug didn't have the desired effect. With two episodes left to go, how do you solve the problem of an evil AI?

- With Jes Macallan on directing duty for this one, it made sense that the episode sidelined Ava for most of it.
- The Legends using the singing fish, Star Wars spoilers, VRs and tablets to smoke out their doubles was highly amusing.
- Is this Thawne really dead? At least he went on a heroic note.
- Chronology: Still 1914 Sarajevo for this episode.

Rage Against The Machines did a great job in tying up the fixed point storyline and certainly gave most of the main cast a perfect chance to shine against their Android doubles. With two episodes left, I cant wait to see how this season will finish up and hopefully news on a next season renewal will happen this month.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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