Wednesday, February 23, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x05: "Girl .... You'll Be A Woman, Soon"


Written by Rina Mimoun And Adam Mallinger
Directed by Diana Valentine

Bizarro (to Superman): "Ally Allston will destroy everything you love. Your friends, your family. She'll destroy everything unless you kill her first."

There we have to, our true villain of this season. I assumed Doomsday, then Bizarro but nope it's Ally Allston who has been revealed as the real Big Bad of the season and this episode revealed a bit more about her and the danger that she will bring.

First of all her ascension gimmick very much turned out to be true. She's in tune with the bizarro world and had zero problems in drugging Chrissy where the latter met the opposite version of herself. On the plus side, while Ally might have been telling he truth, it was also enough to bring Chrissy back to Team Lois, so at least those two are on the same page with one another.

This episode also revealed that Bizarro himself isn't a villain at all, just more someone willing to cross lines that Superman himself will not. Bizarro's desperate to save both his own world as well as this one and Ally poses a danger to both worlds. At some point, both Superman and Bizarro will have to team up, especially given that Ally has become a bigger danger in Bizarro's word and seems to be heading the same way with this one too.

Moving away with from the Ally side of things this week, we also had a lot of focus on the Cushing family this week and in particular, the events of Sarah's quinceanera. What should've been a nice night for Sarah somewhat got marred by the fact that she learned about Kyle's affair with Tonya and walked out of the father and daughter dance before Lana managed to save some public face.

The affair plot definitely feels like a story for the sake of story and it might have been more interesting had we seen this play out in a far less rushed than it did. Still though, the episode gave a lot of great scenes with Sarah, Lana and Kyle and we even got to meet the latter's mother and learn a bit more about the Cushing family history.

Last but not least, Jonathan let his own jealousy of Jordan get the better of him during those training scenes with the latter and Sam but lying to his brother than he now has powers definitely won't end well. Jonathan's story definitely has been one of the weaker storylines this season, although I'm looking forward to upcoming episodes where he'll don a certain comic look. 

- Kyle's family were actually called Cortez and Sarah was taking back the surname as part of her quinceanera. 
- Not surprised that Anderson wouldn't give Superman the pendant back. How many pendants are they as we know Ally has one too?
- Although being mentioned and given Lois's banana muffins, both John and Natalie sat out this episode. We did get to see Lara though interrogating Bizarro in the Fortress of Solitude.
- Chronology: We had a 1979 flashback in Metropolis which saw a young Ally Allston taking on her father's legacy.

Girl .... You'll Be A Woman, Soon definitely delivered on both Bizarro and Ally Allston and the Cushing subplot was pretty strong overall too. Saying that, I do want to start getting glimpses of this other world than having characters describe it and hopefully that'll be happening soon.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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