Wednesday, June 22, 2022

My Review of Superman And Lois 2x14: "Worlds War Bizarre"


Written by Michael Narducci
Directed by Sheelin Choksey

Lois: "What happened to our home?"
Clark: "This isn't our home. It's the house from the other Earth."

One more episode left to go and things are definitely getting a bit Bizarro here, aren't they? Despite having limited screen time in the penultimate episode of this season, Ally certainly made her presence felt by going full steam ahead with her plan to merge two Earths together. The final scene definitely showed she was getting close to completion.

As for Superman, Ally had definitely done a number on his powers with him spending most of the episode struggling to recharge and unable to defend both the world and even his own family from the Inverse Jon-El and Lana from attacking them. It's a good job for Superman that both Jordan and mostly Natalie were in his corner while John tried to stop Ally's big scheme.

Of course, John didn't succeed in stopping Ally but he did manage to keep Natalie out of her way. For a brief moment, I did assume the worst and thought he had perished, only for the last scene to reveal him to be still alive. With less than a day to go, Superman will need to get his powers back pronto before Ally succeeds in meeting both worlds.

Speaking of the imminent merger, it's probably good that both Lois and Chrissy were honest with Lana about what Ally's plans and that Lana in return told everyone else what was happening. Of course having the former mayor trying to derail Lana was annoying but expected. Then again, we did have Superman appear at the town meeting to confirm Lana's information nonetheless.

Keeping with Lana for a bit, I was disappointed that she didn't get any big scenes with her own doppelganger and the way she handled Sarah finding out about Jordan's powers left a lot to be desired, I really don't want Sarah and Jordan to get back together but she seemed to handle the idea of her ex-boyfriend having powers a lot better than Lana did with Clark two episodes ago.

My last point that going into next season this show needs to handle the Cushings a lot better with the main stories. Lana needs to get past her feelings on Superman's powers and the Kents not telling her and Sarah the same too. The show either needs to drop Kyle as a character or have him and Lana get back together. Likewise it might not hurt to have Chrissy more on side too. Not to mention that both John and Natalie need to stick around. Sam can go either way to be honest.

- Lucy was working with analysts to try and figure out a way to stop Ally. The most useful thing she's done all season and it's off screen.
- Jon-El had the perfect chance to grab Jonathan and merge with him but was more fixated on taking his daddy issues out on our Superman instead. I thought for a moment that Inverse Lana had killed him.
- This show has often been influenced by Man Of Steel and the fight scenes definitely were riffing from that movie.
- Chronology: Few days after the events of the previous episode. 

Worlds War Bizarre have set up the stage for one hell of a merger. Can Ally really bring two worlds together? Will Superman and company manage to stop her in time? Will there be casualties this time around compared to last season? It's a good job there's only one episode left to go.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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