Thursday, November 10, 2022

My Review of American Horror Story: NYC - Fire Island


Written by Ned Martel And Charlie Carver And Our Lady J
Directed by Jennifer Lynch

Theo: "I know you. I know all of you. I photographed you."
Freddy: "You will be remembered."

Two episodes left for the finale and given that last episode managed to avoid killing off a regular, despite being very touch and go in that regard, this episode on the other hand did exactly that. In a very, very telegraphed way.

I don't know why but when this season started, I had Theo in my bingo card for the death and over the last few weeks I felt Sam was going to be involved in some way. That turned out to be mostly true but at the same time, this disease that has been creeping around also seemed to have caught up with Theo quicker than either Patrick and Gino.

Sam drugging Theo and getting his boy toys to string him up between trees while Henry lamented about wasted youth and Big Daddy appeared like a phantasm. Then we had the deer men, compiling of guys that Theo had photographed, including Freddy from earlier in this season. They seemed to be mercy though as the episode ended on a note of Theo being gently taken away to his death.

And yes, I do think he's absolutely dead. The finale trailer certainly made it clear and it's a shame because I really did like Theo and Adam as a couple, despite being certain Theo was going to be killed off. This episode did serve as an interesting way to exit the character but it also raised some questions too.

At the start of the season, it seemed like Big Daddy worked with Sam when it came to acquiring young men. Big Daddy being a death harbinger was speculated all season long and god, did this episode really drive the point home. Every single main character who appeared in this episode had some interaction with him. 

Also for fans who were desperately craving a supernatural element to offset the grounded nature of this season, well this episode didn't disappoint. Big Daddy tried and failed to get both Gino and Adam and Patrick shooting certainly did nothing to stop him. Not to mention Fran and her girls had their daytime encounter with him and it seems like even Sam won't be able to outrun Big Daddy when we get to the finale.

- Not only did Barbara appear to terrorise Patrick again but she looked more demonic this time around. Patrick's own guilt and denial really manifested here.
- Freddy and the other lads having antlers was a nice callback to some of the marketing for this season along with Hannah's earlier mission to kill all the deer on Fire Island.
- Theo got sea sick at the start of the episode as well as telling Adam the times he had various STDs to boot.
- In case the theme of death had not been hammered home enough, Fran brought out the Death card for every reading she did here.
- Henry admitted to sparing Gino due to having feeling for him. The latter didn't reciprocate at all.
- Chronology: Not long from the previous episode and entirely set on Fire Island.

Fire Island might have taken the action out of the city but it was still a rather brutal affair with a sad death for Theo. It was also the most unashamedly supernatural themed episode with ghostly appearances and talks of sacrifices. I cant wait to see how the final two episodes wrap up this season.

Rating: 9 out of 10

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