Saturday, November 05, 2022

My Review of Titans 4x01: "Lex Luthor"


Written by Richard Hatam
Directed by Nick Copus

Mother Mayhem: "You see Mr Luthor, someone always pays."

Before I start this review, let's get two things out of the way first. First of all, this show has always been a mixed bag quality wise and I'll be surprised if this season turns out to be the one where they finally get their shit together and two, it's also very likely that this season will be the last one. It's also being split into two parts.

Going by the title of this episode, you've guessed it correctly. - Lex Luthor finally arrived on this show and to his credit, I think Titus Welliver did a good job here. Saying that, no point getting attached to Welliver's take on the character because after one meeting with Conner, he ended up dead. No, Conner didn't do the deed but predictably enough, he's been made to look like he did.

The person actually responsible for Lex's demise on the other hand happened to be one of our main season big bads. Mother Mayhem aka May Bennett (Franka Potente) warned Lex at the start of the episode after he tried to bin her off from their dark deal that someone would pay a price. Safe to assume that Lex didn't expect it to be him though.

With Lex dying, you could be forgiven for thinking he might have lasted longer than one episode and that he would've spent more time getting to know Conner. He certainly put up the charm and willingly answered all of Conner's questions. Lex also had some brilliant scenes with both Dick and Kory, so it's a pity the show runners couldn't have sorted out something longer than what we got with Lex here.

Of course Lex seemed to be focused on a dark magical plot. It's a plot clearly being lead by Mother Mayhem but also one that has pulled in Rachel. The latter of course having bloody visions and also a psychic attack at the same time that Lex was dying. Of course Rachel's not the only person connected to this dark magical plot.

There was also the introduction of Sebastian Sanger (Joseph Morgan). A reserved taxidermist who's invented something that could make people happy and also someone seeing the same visions as Rachel and experiencing the same stuff as Rachel. He's going to be Brother Blood fairly soon, but for now, Sebastian does seem to be struggling to figure out what's happening to him.

As for the Titans themselves, Lex Luthor and impending dark danger aside, this episode actually had them feel like an actual team. Having a smaller group this season could definitely work to the show's advantage, though I suspect certain characters will likely show up in the second half of the season when they're needed to.

- STAR Labs guy Bernard Fitzmartin (James Scully) wasted in time in giving Tim his number after the latter got his bo staff. Tim also seemed very keen on sending Bernard selfies.
- Gar got a suit of his own, Dick a fancy car while Kory has only accessed about 8% of her newly discovered powers.
- Nice trip into the Daily Planet archive section. The actual paper itself has been around since 1775.
- Chronology: About a week since the events of the previous season finale and es, we've traded Gotham for Metropolis this season.

Lex Luthor got the season off to a solid start with Titus Welliver doing a solid job as the scheming billionaire, only to be cut short. Still though, the team felt like a team, maybe for the first time since the show began and I'm intrigued by the supernatural threat as well. 

Rating: 7 out of 10

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