Wednesday, March 29, 2023

My Review of Superman And Lois 3x03: "In Cold Blood"


Written by Jai Jamison
Directed by Gregory Smith

Clark: "Who's blood was it?"
Lois: "Yours."

Well, guess we should've seen that one coming. Mannheim had yo be using something to get the likes of Henry Miller boosted and the blood of Superman seemed to be doing the trick of sorts. We can thank Chrissy and a rather reckless Lois for finding it as well as Sam for relaying the information to Lois. Unfortunately for Henry Miller, his time might be running out.

If we're going by that scene with Mannheim's right hand man and that creepy doctor, a new test subject could be due very soon. Maybe that guy at the warehouse with the Kryptonite rays giving a serious Metallo vibe. I cannot be the only person who thought that during his fight with Superman and he was blown up, but something tells me that won't be an obstacle here.

While Mannheim sat this episode out, Lois's determination to investigate him got extremely reckless this week. Twice she purposely missed chemo appointments and despite both Clark and Chrissy stressing the importance of not  missing her appointments, Lois fixated on taking Bruno down to the point where she put both herself and Chrissy in danger.

Now I do sympathize with Lois and I get why she was scared to go through with her chemo but she was reckless in this episode, even if the last scene was her actually going to her third on with Clark in the pick up truck. We know this show won't kill Lois off but yeah, I hope this will be the last time she misses appointments.

As for the rest of the episode, things really escalated between Lana and Sarah to the point where the latter got slapped by her mother for that one particular comment. I got to be honest, I don't think either Sarah or Lana came across as sympathetic here with both really being testing throughout the episode. It's also a bit hypocritical of Kyle being potentially jealous of Lana and John when he's getting closer to Chrissy as well.

Last but not least I liked the team up with Jonathan, Jordan and Natalie in order to get Jonathan's jeep back which was stolen by Candice's father. I had slightly forgotten about Candice's father but he's not a character I'm in a rush to see more of. It also seem like the show might be building towards a break up between Jonathan and Candice.

- We heard Lucy on the phone but she didn't make a physical appearance in the show. I assume we'll see her later in the season.
- Kyle told Chrissy about his father having cancer and it seemed kike she had her own story too, given the way she was with Lois during this episode.
- The watch Natalie gave to Lois was a lovely gesture. Lana's also aware that John was married to a different universe's Lois now too.
- Chronology: A few days since the events of the previous episode. 

In Cold Blood, though not as strong as the first two episodes definitely had it's moments. From the nightmares of Superman being unable to save Lois, getting around the issue of Kryptonian tech not being able to help and various character conversations, the season has hit it's stride pretty well. Personal stuff aside, I'm intrigued to see where this blood plot will also go with the right candidate.

Rating: 7 out of 10

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