Friday, July 21, 2023

My Review of My Adventures With Superman 1x04: "Let's Go To Ivo Tower, You Say"


Written by Josie Campbell And Brendan Clougher 
Directed by Kiki Manrique

Ivo: "You know, I built this company myself and I deserve more."

Four episodes in and this show isn't shying from both delving deeper into other members of Superman's rogues gallery and of course, a final revelation that I'm surprised happened this fast in the series but I'm glad it did.

First of all, the Rogue stuff. In previous episodes we have had Livewire, Intergang, Silver Banshee,  Mist and now we can add Dr Anthony Ivo/Parasite into the mix. Oh this was a goodie alright. The show has definitely gotten a groove for new ways to introduce these baddies.

This week Perry White decided to throw Clark, Lois and Jimmy a bone by having them attend Dr Ivo's latest event where he was planning something quite big. Lois couldn't get to interview,  Jimmy got roped into taking family pics and Clark actually getting to confront Ivo led to him being kicked out of the event. Then Lois snuck him back in.

The event being that Ivo was using that ever ubiquitous alien tech and had made himself into a version of Parasite. A murderous version both intent on taking out his competitors and Superman in one fell swoop. He almost succeeded had Lois and Jimmy not found a way to shut him down for good.

In the end, Ivo became a dessicated husk of a man, his alien tech removed but by the end of the episode,  Lois had pieced that Clark and Superman were the same person. As a reveal, it came surprisingly quick but it'll be interesting to see how this will play out in the second half of the season.

- There were clippings of pre Superman sightings that finally got Lois piecing things together.
- I'm assuming that Task Force X took both Ivo's alien tech and him by the end of the episode. 
- Jimmy's Flamebird account seems to be quietly gaining momentum.
- Chronology: Lois admitted to Clark that she's been an intern for over a year while screening her calls from her father.

Let's Go To Ivo Tower, You Say did a great job with the Parasite plot and the final scene this week. Four episodes in and the show has its groove and continues to be a joy to watch.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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