Friday, October 27, 2023

My Review of American Horror Stories: "Tapeworm"


Written by Joseph Cole Baken
Directed by Alexis Martin Woodall

Vivian (to Sheila): "I'm here because I have a dream."

The modelling industry really is a cutthroat business for anyone involved and after the previous season's take on plastic surgery with Facelift, this scenario was ripe for horror. 

Let's talk about Vivian Finch (Laura Kariuki). She's a girl from Iowa who moved to the Big Apple in order to achieve her aspirations of being a model. Except she's too fat because being a size four in this merciless is akin to being overweight.

At least that's what Janice Dickinson standin Sheila (Lisa Rinna) more or less tells Vivian. On the plus side, at least Vivian had support from fellow aspiring model and friend Heather (Hazel Graye) and it's not long before Vivian meets Dr Lau (Rob Yang) and get help with her weight.

The help being a drug named Mondify which does help Vivian lose weight, get taken on by Sheila as a client and book some lucrative work. Then it's revealed that due to heart problems, Mondify isn't actually safe for Vivian to keep using.

The alternative however was much worse as the tapeworm that Vivian injected from Dr Lau not only made her a nightmare to be around but it had grown to a ridiculous size inside her. Vivian had no choice to remove it with a concoction of sorts.

So far this season, the outcomes have been bleak for the protagonists and Vivian also didn't get a happy ending. However the tapeworm did when it decided to bond with Heather at the very end of this episode.

- I noticed that they've changed the lettering of the titles this season. I quite like it.
- Sheila did try to warn Vivian about Heather being hungry and she was right. Was Sheila aware of the tapeworm like she was the Mondify?
- Slight missed opportunity by not throwing in some link or reference to the current season of the parent show.
- Chronology: Sometime in the distance past in New York as we went through months of Vivian's journey.

Tapeworm might be the strongest episode so far this season ad two writing credits in has shown that Joseph Cole Baken is a good find for the series. Suitably gross in parts, great premise executed very well.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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