Monday, April 29, 2024

My Review of Dead Boy Detectives: "The Case Of The Devlin House"


Written by Ian Weinreich And Kristy Lowrey
Directed by Cheryl Dunye

Charles: "It's like, it's like they're stuck on repeat."
Edwin: "That's exactly what it is. If I'm right, it's a loop and they've been stuck in it since 1994."

After two very solid episodes, I felt this one was where things got a tiny bit more interesting, both with the main case itself and the development of one of the particular Dead Boy Detectives. Of course I'm talking about Charles.

So far, he's been a rather cheerful cheeky chappy and the voice of reason among Edwin and Crystal. He's also the very thing that would focus Edwin and Crystal to put their differences aside and actually get along. Getting caught in a traumatic loop would do such a thing.

The case of the week involved the Devlin family, murdered by their father, Brandon. Having the Team watch the killing over and over again when investigating the house especially did a number on Charles. Enough of one to get him caught in the loop when he recklessly tried to defend the family. However, it also shed light on his own trauma during a revealing conversation with Crystal.

This episode largely sign posted a future romance between Charles and Crystal and both Edwin and Niko's opposite reactions to the idea was amusing enough. However helping Charles break out of the loop and breaking the loop itself did make Edwin and Crystal work better together than before. That and both were lucky enough to take out a Misery Wraith as well.

I liked that the episode gave us more on Charles's backstory and while I'm mixed on him and Crystal as a couple, I do think it's amusing that Charles also seemed jealous of Edwin getting closer to Monty. I mean he did seem put out by Monty's appearance at the end while Edwin was warming to the latter wanting to do an astrological reading on him.

As for the ongoing threat, Esther popped up in Jenny's butcher shop for a beauty regime, antagonised Charles and Crystal as well as spied on Edwin and Monty. Of course the Cat King was also keeping tabs on Edwin and the Night Nurse got her own breakthrough in locating the Dead Boy Detectives. Threats from all sides basically.

- Niko admitted the Sprites caused her hair to go white. They're a fun nuisance for her. She also noted Edwin shape shifting into women.
- Esther struck a deal with Lilith for immortality. I'm curious about her rivalry with the Cat King.
- We got glimpses of some of the things David made Crystal do when he had possession of her. Or was it Crystal acting out on her own volition all along?
- Chronology: February 16th and 17th 2023. The Devlin family were living on Haywood Drive.

The Case Of The Devlin House did well with The Stone Tape Theory concept and while I kind of wish the show was more focused on Edwin and Charles together, I do get why the show has opted for an ensemble here.

Rating: 8 out of 10 

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