Monday, April 22, 2024

My Review of Late Night With The Devil (2023)


Written And Directed by Colin Cairnes And Cameron Cairnes

Jack: "Ladies and gentlemen, please stay tuned for a live television first as we attempt to commune with the Devil."

Time for a horror trip, and what a trip of a movie this one turned out to be. Formatted in a documentary style, here was a movie about a show where the unimaginable happened on live air.

The show in question being late night show, Night Owls where the host, Jack Delroy (David Dastmalchian) was not only dealing with the loss of his wife, Madeleine (Georgina Haig) but also his talk show in desperate need of ratings. Cue Halloween night.

A night appropriate for some spooky shenanigans, Jack's first guest included a psychic named Christou (Fayssal Bazzi) who tried to talk to the audience with spirits that had mixed results. The mixed results being something that the second guest of the night was willing to use to their advantage.

Former magician turned skeptic Carmichael Haig (Ian Bliss) was a bit too happy to denounce Christou's psychic abilities and was even more keen to antagonise Jack at every turn. As the movie progressed, this would be something that Carmichael would deeply regret.

The main crux of the movie however involved Jack's interview with Dr June Ross-Mitchell (Laura Gordon) and a young girl named Lilly (Ingrid Torelli). Lily in particular played host to a demon named Mr Wriggles and when the latter came out to play, shit went down in the studio and even Carmichael's attempt to disprove it with poor Gus (Rhys Auteri) went horribly wrong.

It's really the final act that made this whole movie for me. The terror of Lilly's possession along with Jack's connection with The Grove, along with the price of his fame and the last scene. Let's just say this movie ended on a very appropriately dark note.

- Lilly had been held prisoner by a Satanic church that worshipped Abraxas before she was rescued by June. June wrote a book called Conversation With The Devil.
David Dastmalchian got cast as Jack Delroy due to the directors reading article he wrote for Fangoria about late night regional horror TV hosts.
- The Grove in here were a reference to a real life sect of a similar name.
- Chronology: Halloween 1977. Despite being an American movie set in New York City, this was filmed in Melbourne, Australia.

Late Night With The Devil might be one of the creepiest horror movies to come out this year. The studio setting along with the time period worked brilliantly. David Dastmalchian gave such a brilliant performance and that end scene was brutal. I loved this one.

Rating: 9 out of 10 

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