Saturday, April 20, 2024

My Review of Psycho III (1986)


Written by Charles Edward Pogue
Directed by Anthony Perkins 

Sheriff Hunt: "Why, Norman, why? Good God son. You'll never get out again. We're gonna have you locked up forever."
Norman: "But I'll be free. I'll finally be free."

Following the events of the previous movie, any hope for Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) to be rehabilitated had gone out the window. He had relapsed and murdered Emma Spool (Claudia Bryar) and was keeping her body like he had done with his mother beforehand.

On top of that, he had more threats coming out of the woodwork. Emma's disappearance had been noted and none more than by journalist Tracy Venable (Roberta Maxwell), who seemed determined to prove that Norman was bad again. Unfortunately for Norman, she wasn't the only problem he had to face in this movie.

Norman also had to deal with the slippery wannabe musician Duane Duke (Jeff Fahey) who charmed himself into Norman's good graces by getting a job at the motel but then also teamed up with Tracy to stab him in the back. Duane however overplayed his hand when he realised that Norman didn't respond well to blackmail.

With two foils for Norman, there was also the fallen nun Maureen Coyle (Diana Scarwid). Yes, she looked too much like Marion Crane and there was certainly a point to that too. It also didn't take too long for Norman to fall in love with her, sleep with her as well as save her from a suicide attempt.

Norman's love story with Maureen certainly presented a new element to the character but his issues towards women and sex were further compounded by his mother's influence on him. Needless to say, it didn't end well for Maureen and it nearly didn't end well for Tracy either, until Norman broke his mother's hold on him.

The last scene where he was arrested by Sheriff Hunt (Hugh Gillin) seemed more like a victory for Norman where he admitted to finally being free. Also the movie's decision to reverse the Emma Spool revelation from the last one was a wise decision.

- Anthony Perkins made his director debut with this movie. He'd only direct one more prior to his death. He wanted it in black and white but Universal said no.
- Was it me or did the opening scene feel like a homage to The Exorcist? I thought I was watching the wrong movie at first.
- The last movie for Virginia Gregg who played Norma Bates in the first three movies.
- Chronology: A month has passed since the events of the second movie.

Psycho III certainly did it's best to keep up the momentum from the last one and I did appreciate the continuity from it. It's not quite as strong but in spite of his technical inexperience, I think Anthony Perkins did a decent job pulling double duty here.

Rating: 6 out of 10 

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