Friday, November 22, 2024

My Review of Doctor Odyssey: "Quackers"


Written by Ryan Murphy And Jon Robin Baitz 
Directed by Maggie Kiley 

Avery: "I'm pregnant."

Heading into mid season finale domain and it was time for something a little bit dramatic but also a tad obvious. Yup, Avery's pregnant and doesn't know who the father is. 

At the start of the episode, we got her feeling nauseous over paints and then when her two highschool friends showed up on The Odyssey, Avery admitted that she wasn't sure whay she wanted to do.

Of course the more interesting part of this story was saved for the ending. The differences in reactions that both Max and Tristan had to the news was very much night and day. Max went into pure practical mode about Avery being able to balance both motherhood and her medical career. It was his way of being supportive.

Tristan on the other hand, I found his reaction more interesting. It seems that getting someone pregnant at sea isn't a new experience and was expecting Avery not to want to go through with the pregnancy. He sounded supported but weirdly resigned to something that he knew wasn't in his control. Avery on the other hand, she didn't seem to give any indicator as to what she planned to do herself.

As for the main plot of the week, well only on a Ryan Murphy show. It turned out that a bunch of eccentric people playing treasure hunt with a ridiculous amount of rubber duckies is actually a thing. The founder, Jill Manafort (Loretta Devine) had Lorena's backing and Robert's confusion for it.

However between Max's overall disdain for the premise (he's very environmentally conscious), the bigger issue came with Jill's husband Jerry eating inanimate objects (including a gold rubber ducky) that almost killed him. It does slightly ground an overall ridiculous but moderately amusing theme of the week.

- Tristan got to tell Vivian about his Venezuelan heritage during the contest while the two of them tried to define their relationship.
- It was nice to see Max getting some screentime with Rosie and Corey this week. Give them more to do in the second half of the season.
- The show will return in March with a mostly uninterrupted schedule.
- Chronology: The episode took place over the course of a week.

Quackers had more rubber duckies than anyone would ever need to see in their whole lives. It's a generally decent mid season finale but eight episodes in, the show still feels like its treading water at times. I'm hoping it gets better in its second half.

Rating: 6 out of 10 

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