Tuesday, December 03, 2024

My Review of Superman And Lois 4x10: "It Went By So Fast"


Written by Brent Fletcher And Todd Helbing
Directed by Gregory Smith

Clark: "What do you think Superman and Lois Lane will be remembered for?"
Lois: "I'd like to think truth, justice."
Clark: "And a better tomorrow."

When it comes to the Arrowverse (and yes, I consider this show to be a part of it), we've had some hit and miss and unintended series finales. This one on the other hand was on another level of sheer brilliance.

Last week, it looked like we getting Superman killed by Doomsday yet again and I said this episode would subvert that overdone story. I was right and it did. Doomsday didn't kill Superman, even though he came pretty damn close to it during the episode.

Instead we got a rather poignant sacrifice from the character in space with Superman watching his end. I felt bad for poor Doomsday but he got a rather poignant exit. Easily the best handling of the character since the eighth season of Smallville.

As for Lex Luthor, that guy burned every bridge and then some. He got his ass handed to him by Lois, a public downfall courtesy of Amanda, another ass whooping by Superman and oh, once back in prison, he had to contend with Bruno Mannheim being in charge. Should've just left the Kents alone when everybody told you to, Lex.

All of that happened within the first half of this series finale. The second half was for family and community. We had Lana and John tying the knot and Kyle and Chrissy enjoying the parents of boys. There's a rather lovely exchange between Lana and Kyle as well as Jordan and Sarah. 

Of course, there's also Clark and Lois themselves. They talked about their legacies and we got to see them grow old together, use their influence to save so many lives, see both Jordan and Jonathan become adults, get wives and have many children. Then there was the gut wrenching final five minutes.

I bawled my eyes out when Lois died for real and then Clark living a bit longer without her, getting his own dog named Krypto and then there was his death too. This season was leading to it all along but it still floored me. The final shot especially was one of the most beautiful moments from the show. If you don't well up during those last few moments, you've got a heart of stone.

- Isn't it fitting that the WB/CW DC era (2001-2024) began and ended with Superman?
- I was right about David Giuntoli appearing in this episode but I thought he was going to be Batman. Instead he played an older Jonathan.
- Did Lois see her father before dying? It's a pity we didn't get Dylan Walsh back for one scene.
- Lois in the red dress, she looked stunning. Thematically, it made sense that's how Clark would see her in the afterlife.
- I loved the shot of Superman, the Super Sons, Steel and Starlight working together.
- Chronology: 32 years passed as we got towards the end of this episode.

It Went By So Fast certainly was an apt title for this episode. Four seasons, 53 episodes and some of the best storytelling in the Superman mythos ever. This was an incredible series finale and both Tyler Hoechlin and Elizabeth Tulloch gave us the best modern version of these characters to date. I couldn't be more happier with this episode, even though it made me cry.

Rating: 10 out of 10 

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