Tuesday, January 07, 2025

My Review of Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)


Written by Christopher Markus And Stephen McFeely
Directed by Joe Johnston

Bucky: "What happened to you?"
Steve: "I joined the Army."

With a new Captain America movie about to hit theatres next month, it was past time to go back and watch the first trilogy. If this was anything to go by, this will be a fun rewatch. I forgot how good this first movie was.

It's World War II and our hero, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) isn't exactly the most powerful guy in his squad. If he's not getting bullied by fellow soldiers, he's looked upon with disdain by Colonel Chester Philips (Tommy Lee Jones). To be fair, looking at Steve, you'd have to wonder why the hell he's in the US army, even during this specific time period.

Of course, it's war time and everyone had a role to play and Steve wasn't endearing himself to Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell), he also got selected for Abraham Erskine's (Stanley Tucci) Super Soldier Serum. Let's just say that Steve Rogers went from a weedy looking fella to Captain America in no time.

However for Steve, this initially being used as a corporate mascot for enlisting talks with pretty girls but the moment his only friend James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes (Sebastian Stan) went missing, Steve soon became a squadron leader that he was destined to be, saved his friend and won the respect of fellow soldiers. Those included the likes of Timothy "Dum Dum" Duggan (Neal McDonough) and so on.

As for the bad guys, well it was all about Hydra. Smaller scale threats like Heinz Kruger (Richard Armitage) took themselves off the table. That left more room for Hydra commander Johann Schmidt (Hugo Weaving) and his scientist lackey Arnim Zola (Toby Jones). Both are fairly well realised baddies for the movie.

By the time the movie got to it's conclusion, Bucky was seemingly dead, both Zola and Red Skull were defeated, Vibranium was discovered and Steve went from being in 1941 to 2011, missing a vital date he had with Peggy. On the other hand, at least Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) was there to bring him up to speed.

- Yes, prior to appearing in Doctor Who, Jenna Coleman briefly appeared as Bucky's date.
- Dominic Cooper had a strong supporting role as Howard Stark. 
- We did get a brief look at a more comic book version of Steve's suit before they settled for the more practical one.
- Other noteworthy actors who appeared in this movie included Laura Haddock, Natalie Dormer, David Bradley, Kenneth Choi and JJ Feild.
- A mid credit scene had Steve being approached by Fury for a worldwide mission and then that trailer for The Avengers.
- Chronology: 1945 and 2011, taking in the Arctic, New York City and most of the USA.

Captain America has certainly aged well as a movie. It's a great first entry for Steve Rogers with the WW2 setting and respective villains working very much in its favour. It's not hard to see how Chris Evans was cast in the part as he's perfect with his debut outing as Steve Rogers.

Rating: 8 out of 10 

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