Sunday, January 19, 2025

My Review of Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare (2025)


Written And Directed by Scott Jeffery

Peter Pan: "Don't worry about Michael. I'm going to take him to Neverland."

Who would've thought that in spite of overwhelmingly bad reviews that the success of Winnie The Pooh: Blood And Honey would've kicked off an entire horror cinematic universe? I'm still shocked to be honest.

We're now into the third installment of The Twisted Childhood Universe and it's not a homicidal bear that's terrorising everyone but it's Peter Pan (Martin Portlock), who's the villain of the piece. Once Upon A Time did this a decade ago but not in the depraved way this movie aimed for.

The movie opened with Pan brutally killing the unfortunate Roxy (Kierston Wareing) before snatching her son, James. Then the movie jumped to the present day where birthday boy, Michael Darling (Peter DeSouza-Feighoney) ended up being snatched by Pan in broad daylight.

Michael's disappearance caused a rift between his mother, Mary (Teresa Banham) and older sister, Wendy (Megan Placito) while older brother John (Campbell Wallace) was distraught. It was a family divided but Wendy was the only one who actually took the initiative to try and get Michael back.

Wendy became even more determined when Michael's best friend, Joey (Hardy Yusuf) also got snatched by Pan but what of the villain himself? He's portrayed as a child catcher, obsessed with seeking out Neverland. However his treatment of two characters that aren't Michael and Joey was more horrific. 

The characters being Tinker Bell (Kit Green) and Captain James Hook (Charity Kase). The former was written as a sympathetic character, who was also trans and a heroin addict but did try to help Michael and Wendy. The latter was revealed to be a much older and mutilated James from the start of the movie. Fortunately, Pan did get some form of comeuppance but at the same time, there was a sequel set up.

- I could be reading into it but it did seem like the movie was hinting at Michael and Joey being more than mates. What happened to the latter at the end?
- The next movie in this universe will Bambi: The Reckoning, coming out later this year.
- Tiger Lily (Olumide Olorunfemi) also appeared in this movie. It was implied that Neverland might be real.
- Chronology: Tinker Bell was taken by Pan over thirty years ago, James fifteen years ago before the present day stuff with Michael.

Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare did try to take itself seriously and I guess I could give it points for it's inclusion of LGBT characters and themes. There's some decent enough kills in the mix but I wouldn't say it's great. I am oddly curious to see what a potential sequel would entail.

Rating: 5 out of 10 

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