Monday, February 24, 2025

My Review of Complete Strangers (2020)


Written And Directed by Pau Masó

Robert (re Hugo): "He is everything I ever wanted."

Oh boy. On paper, this seemed like a movie that was going to be right up my alley but once I watched it, let's just say, it was a lot of ropier than expected it to be.

I should comment writer/director Pau Masó for the general idea behind the movie but I got to be honest, his acting wasn't the best here. Playing the role of recovering alcoholic Robert, Pau Masó gave himself a challenge that he didn't quite rise to himself.

Robert's an alcoholic who also suffered a trauma that's given some memory loss. He also was in a relationship with a man named Christian (Sindre Bergfall) that ended due to the latter cheating on Robert and there's hostility between the pair during the few scenes they have in the film.

On top of that, an online hook up with new guy Hugo (Matthew Crawley) should've been a bit of fun for Robert. Instead, it's a relationship that had Robert's friends Frank (Fraser Fraser) and Kate (Sian Abrahams) concerned for his wellbeing as well as his therapist (Mirjam Novak). Robert should've listened to them.

The film didn't waste too much time in revealing that while Hugo might be a handsome hunk, he's also an unhinged nutcase to boot. Hugo became too possessive of Robert too fast to the point of physically and sexually assaulting him during a weekend trip to an isolated cabin in the woods. Robert however had a more concerning problem to deal with as his memories came flooding back.

Again with a stronger lead actor, I think this story would've hit better. Robert being revealed as a former pornstar named Colby that Hugo was hyper fixated on and intended to kill was a great twist. Robert turning the tables and killing Hugo was also a great twist along with the final sting as he escaped the cabin but the leads let proceedings down here.

- For some reason, this movie doesn't have a rating. Surely, it's meant to be R Rated, right?
- "You're My Dream Boy" is a good tagline for the movie, especially with the sinister connotations behind it. 
- I'm guessing had a sequel happened, it would've Robert going after Hugo's partner who wanted him dead as well.
- Chronology: Present day, Budapest. Robert mentioned his parents living in America.

Complete Strangers had the ingredients to be a great movie but the acting was very weak with both leads and the lack of chemistry didn't exactly help either. It's one of those films where I think a remake would end up being better. Is that harsh?

Rating: 5 out of 10 

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